paycheck protection Archive

  • Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate Carly Fiorina is all talk (and no action) when it comes to California's public employee unions.  She raises the issue in every interview, but offers no solution.  Even as taxpayer activists with the Citizen Power Campaign march forward to fix California government by stopping the public employee unions from using taxpayer money to block needed reform, Fiorina refuses to support the most important reform since Proposition 13.  Fiorina is telling voters loud and clear what she stands for - all talk, no action.

    Fiorina All Talk on Public Employee Unions

    Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate Carly Fiorina is all talk (and no action) when it comes to California's public employee unions. She raises the issue in every interview, but offers no solution. Even as taxpayer activists with the Citizen Power Campaign march forward to fix California government by stopping the public employee unions from using taxpayer money to block needed reform, Fiorina refuses to support the most important reform since Proposition 13. Fiorina is telling voters loud and clear what she stands for - all talk, no action.

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  • The public employee unions are plundering and bankrupting California and the nation.  That's the bottom line of Steve Greenhut's new book, Plunder: How Public Employee Unions are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation.  KFI radio's Bill Handel interviewed Greenhut, former editor of the Orange County Register, earlier this week to discuss the book.  (Bill Handel podcast at 15:00) The book is a necessary primer on why California state government is broken - and how to fix it.  Greenhut proves why the Citizen Power Campaign is necessary to fix California state government by stopping the use of taxpayer dollars for politics by the public employee unions.

    Plunder: How Public Employee Unions are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation

    The public employee unions are plundering and bankrupting California and the nation. That's the bottom line of Steve Greenhut's new book, Plunder: How Public Employee Unions are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation. KFI radio's Bill Handel interviewed Greenhut, former editor of the Orange County Register, earlier this week to discuss the book. (Bill Handel podcast at 15:00) The book is a necessary primer on why California state government is broken - and how to fix it. Greenhut proves why the Citizen Power Campaign is necessary to fix California state government by stopping the use of taxpayer dollars for politics by the public employee unions.

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  • The public employee unions have corrupted California state government.  The public employee unions have become the most powerful special interest group in Sacramento.  As a result, California’s state and local […]

    Unplug the Political Machine

    The public employee unions have corrupted California state government.  The public employee unions have become the most powerful special interest group in Sacramento.  As a result, California’s state and local […]

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  • Everyone agrees that California needs reform to make it governable.  And there is much debate over what reforms are needed. But, there can be no meaningful reform until we first limit the corrupting influence of the overpowerful public sector unions that are bankrupting California.  This means stopping these unions from using taxpayer dollars to gain more taxpayer dollars by passing effective Paycheck Protection laws.  Some OC activists are taking the lead to help pass this fundamental and essential reform.

    Paycheck Protection Protects Taxpayers

    Everyone agrees that California needs reform to make it governable. And there is much debate over what reforms are needed. But, there can be no meaningful reform until we first limit the corrupting influence of the overpowerful public sector unions that are bankrupting California. This means stopping these unions from using taxpayer dollars to gain more taxpayer dollars by passing effective Paycheck Protection laws. Some OC activists are taking the lead to help pass this fundamental and essential reform.

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