It's interesting how often we get new insights into the considerations that go into creating Eric's prejudices.
Well, watching that episode was certainly an hour not wasted!
Watch Servant of the People. You might learn a few things
You seem to be running out of anything resembling actual shit to fling.
There are generations of scholars who have pondered the relationship between Kievan Rus and Muscovite Rosya. Your position is both…
If you'll vouch for all the details, that's fine. If Matt Cunningham (or whatever anonymous person wrote that comment) "vouches"…
"Genocide begins with the denial of a people’s identity. Every Armenian should know that!" True. But knowing something and owning…
Bluesky is a safe and moderated Twitter alternative. MAGA trolls do not last long there. It's pretty fantastic. This would…
He has been delinquent since he got the deuce. He didn’t renew his license in 2024.,the%20imposition%20of%20additional%20requirements [Deuce is slang…
point center financial Archive
The Harkey Files: South County’s Rabid Wolverine encounters some setbacks.
Posted on December 8, 2013 | 27 CommentsI have been assured that California’s Board of Equalization does SOMETHING or other, even though some of the smartest political observers of the state seem at a loss to understand, […] -
ROFLMAO – Insolvent Assemblywoman Diane Harkey to try to fix state solvency problems
Posted on June 3, 2009 | 1 CommentI swear you can’t make this stuff up. The red-faced jokers over at the Red Klownty blog posted a press release today touting troubled GOP Assemblywoman Diane Harkey. Here is […] -
Will lawsuit against Assemblywoman Diane Harkey’s husband bring her down too?
Posted on May 4, 2009 | No CommentsWill the lawsuit against Assemblywoman Diane Harkey’s husband Dan bring her down as well? There is an excellent article in today’s L.A. Times, O.C. edition, highlighting the lawsuit against Assemblywoman […] -
Red Clownty circles the wagons around the latest bad Republican, Diane Harkey
Posted on March 25, 2009 | 9 CommentsJerbal – the #1 paid OC GOP Shill, is now covering up for Diane Harkey Red Clownty’s new CEO, Chip Hanlon, says that his blog is now going to go […] -
Has GOP Assemblywoman Diane Harkey become toxic?
Posted on March 24, 2009 | 3 Comments[poll id=”131″] “The Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) is calling on Congressman John Campbell (R-CA 48th) to publicly return all campaign funds given by Assemblymember Diane Harkey (R-CA 73rd) […] -
Diane Harkey caught red-handed!
Posted on March 3, 2009 | 9 Comments“California Assemblywoman Diane Harkey accepted $16,600 in political contributions from real estate developers who had received loans from her husband’s business, now under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission,” […] -
Did Assemblywoman Diane Harkey’s husband run a Ponzi scheme?
Posted on February 17, 2009 | 44 Comments(Video Courtesy of NBC News) Uh oh! Another black eye for the OC GOP has emerged as the husband of Assemblywoman Diane Harkey has been accused of running a Ponzi […]
Those HB Latino trespassers were bullies just ask Dave Min. There peaceful civil disobedience was not justified. Lol!!!