Iowa? Probably not. What does that mean?
She couldn’t win a governor’s race in Iowa.
She still living in subsidized government housing?
Katie Porter has a blind spot for Armenians. It may not affect her in Orange county. But, she had an…
I thought of a better analogy than what I used before. These are the sorts of people who, as schoolkids,…
Just be happy that you're not the worst, even if you're the pushiest. Attracting people who would like to disrupt…
Palestine would definitely come up if he looks viable. The issue will heavily influence Jewish voters and donors, given that…
I was talking about the mailers, not all the obscene blog comments. (And apparently mailed objects too.) And you're referring…
Personally I don't think his stance on Palestine makes him crazy, but I just don't think the general electorate will…
presidential election Archive
“redistribution of wealth” Part II Larry Ellison, Founder/CEO Oracle Corporation
Posted on October 27, 2008 | 5 CommentsSenator Obama looks to promote “wealth redistribution.” He wants each of us to ignore the “American Dream” which is based on the “free market” concept of “risk-reward.” In my first […] -
We Are Now John McCain’s “Fellow Prisoners.”
Posted on October 8, 2008 | 3 CommentsYeah, we all know the good Senator is sinking into permanent PTSD-influenced dementia, but what strikes me is watching airhead Sarah standing at his side. I was expecting at least […] -
“Larry’s picks” part two (and Ballot Measure recap)
Posted on October 3, 2008 | 13 CommentsGood afternoon voters. At the end of this post of individual candidates I have added the OC Register Ballot Measure recommendations alongside my Sept 23rd picks. While some of the following candidates […] -
John McCain is Morally Unfit to Lead. (lipstick #3)
Posted on September 18, 2008 | 5 CommentsRecently Senator McCain was asked by Time Magazine to define what honor means in politics; he bridled as if being thrown a curveball, and then snapped, “I wrote about it […] -
Fact or fiction. Joe Biden to step down to make room for VP Hillary on Oct 5th
Posted on September 17, 2008 | 4 CommentsArt. Were you the blogger who uncovered this wild story that is circulating around the blogosphere? Yes, I did joke that Hillary would have been a better veep choice than […] -
McCain’s Temperament Problem: a fellow POW speaks out (lipstick 2)
Posted on September 15, 2008 | 9 CommentsThis is ASIDE from McCain’s character/honor problem which has been getting so worrisome and on which I’m writing a big post. I had seen this essay a while back on […] -
Shakespeare on John McCain
Posted on August 6, 2008 | 6 Comments“This is some fellow Who, having been prais’d for bluntness, doth affect A saucy roughness, and constrains the garb Quite from his nature. He cannot flatter, he! An honest mind […]
She is from Iowa. Or is it Kansas. No it’s Iowa. Hello??? She didn’t arrive in Irvine until 2011. What…