You remember that?? Lol. Anywho. Mexico is still a country and not a protectorate pretending to be one. And, yes,…
The OC Press Club is dead.
You've never heard of the Mexican-American war? You still don't seem to understand the concept of sovereignty, but I'm willing…
Mistrial on Judge Ferguson case. 11-1 in favor of conviction.
Perhaps of Interest -
A Day in the Life of Tenants United Anaheim Last week a tenant messaged us on Facebook asking for help,…
WE DIDN'T START THE EATON FIRE! This piece is from the Fucking News. No, seriously, "The Fucking News" on Substack.…
Is Zelensky an American asset??
Reed Royalty Archive
Agents’ Orange 4: NON-PARTISAN Volunteers in the OC, 1960-2000
Posted on November 30, 2020 | 8 CommentsWow, there are some stories here you gotta read... -
OCBC’s Fatuous Lucy Dunn celebrates imposition of 405 Toll Lanes; and is Travis Allen a Toll Troll?
Posted on August 20, 2014 | 15 Comments. . . Lucy Dunn is the President, CEO, and ubiquitous spokeswoman of the Orange County Business Council (OCBC.) Masterminded by tireless and insatiable lobbyist Curt Pringle (former Speaker of […] -
Mansoor’s new Toll Lanes bill deserves bipartisan support from the full OC delegation.
Posted on April 14, 2014 | 13 CommentsAllan Mansoor’s promised AB 2036 to address the Toll Lanes controversy in our county – let’s say, to bring this important transportation question under democratic control in a county that’s […] -
POLL: Which Pringle crony will wear a wire for the Feds?
Posted on August 7, 2013 | 63 Comments. . . On the heels of Cynthia Ward’s latest Voice of OC Disney-streetcar bombshell, and bearing in mind the identity of Disney’s trusty transportation “consultant,” the question asks itself. […] -
Disney Streetcar throws Taxpayers under the bus!
Posted on June 28, 2013 | 11 Comments. Streetcars by Disneyland? What could be wrong with that? Last year, an Anaheim City Council majority approved a $318 million publicly-funded streetcar running about 3 miles from the ARTIC […] -
Disney’s Incest Problem.
Posted on August 23, 2012 | 71 Comments. I didn’t write this. I had to swear on a stack of mothers’ graves I wouldn’t say who gave me it. But it does come from knowledgeable insiders. I […] -
Cadiz, the Desert Water Pimps.
Posted on July 31, 2012 | 18 Comments. I had no idea that 400 people showed up to Water Board meetings! Or how dramatic and entertaining they can be, or that they can go till 1 AM! […] -
See Daly’s lying mailer to AD-69 Republicans claiming Moreno’s not running. And Moreno’s scathing response! Priceless.
Posted on May 21, 2012 | 25 Comments. It’s been clear for some time that AD-69 candidate Tom Daly’s strategy to prevail in both the June primary and the November election depends on getting the district’s REPUBLICANS […] -
Pension Intrigue – Reform Advocates Victimized?
Posted on February 20, 2012 | 22 CommentsOver the last few years I have read many writings and studies about public sector pensions and the perceived unfairness and unaffordabilty of them. The frequency and intensity of these […]
Icymi proud oc county republicans like Willie the Weenie, Sheriff Don Barnes and Supervisor Don Wagner endorsed racist, business license…