Looks like it's pretty much over. The status after Thursday's count: 149,709 votes cast: 50% mark is 74,855. This shows…
This was Los Angeles, also as of 3:47 p.m. today, which I presume was not the final count. (But I…
I'm not sure if these were the figures from today or yesterday, but here they are. Note: These estimates were…
It fit the tune, but the words could have been sharper. I had remembered it as Jimmy Jam, not Jimmy…
More evidence of long term involvement of Trump with Russia: https://youtu.be/YsIntuxmXf0?si=JGCTgRnqeoDxz_mb
Lord, a magisterial recap. I love it when the Yam's apologists try to deflect us "alarmists" with one idiot excuse…
They're moving along slowly but surely and Check it out - there’s a total of 14,597 ballots left to count,…
No, that fit the tune fine.
(Comment copied from the pre-race post to this more appropriate locale.) https://ocvote.gov/results/whats-left-to-count/total-ballots-left-to-count Registrar's "What's Left to Count" page says: 16,307…
Roland Chi Archive
Chi’s Gang Accosts FFFF Admin at Vietnamese Restaurant
Posted on November 11, 2010 | 7 CommentsHere’s a fun video of something that occurred a couple weeks ago. The entertainment value is pretty good. I was minding my own business while having a bowl of delicious […] -
Cops Offer $10,000 Reward for Capture of Sign Thief
Posted on November 9, 2010 | 2 CommentsWell, not our cops. But up in San Jose they take political sign theft seriously. That’s why the police and fire unions have offered up ten grand for information leading […] -
Selected Reviews from Roland Chi’s Market
Posted on October 28, 2010 | No CommentsLast night one of Roland Chi’s buddies came on to our blog and tried to convince us that “the food taste great” at Roland’s market, and that the food poisoning “90% […] -
The Criminal Mentality
Posted on October 27, 2010 | No CommentsIt’s sort of funny how the “public safety” unions are always telling us that if it weren’t for them everything would be chaos, a sort of post apocalyptic nightmare with […] -
Like Father, Like Son? Sign Thief May Already Be on Probation… for Food Poisoning!
Posted on October 25, 2010 | No CommentsThere’s an old adage that goes: the apple never falls far from the tree. Remember when we traced the “No McKinley” sign thief’s white van back to Roland Chi’s supermarket […] -
Back to The Bat Cave!
Posted on October 22, 2010 | 2 CommentsWhen I was just a young Peabody there was a show on TV called “Batman.” It was campy and stupid and highly entertaining. One thing I never quite understood, though, […] -
Neither rain, nor snow, nor thieves…
Posted on October 21, 2010 | 1 Comment…shall keep the postmen from their appointed rounds. It was a busy week for Fullerton’s trusty mail carriers. Here are some of the more entertaining pieces that landed in our […] -
The Sign Theft Lineup, Part I
Posted on October 21, 2010 | No CommentsWe’re not too sure how diligent the FPD is going to be in its investigation into the political sign theft ring that is operating out of Roland Chi’s van. So, […] -
Sunday Afternoon Pilfery
Posted on October 19, 2010 | 1 CommentSo what do you do on Sunday afternoon after church and you don’t give a damn about pro football? I know! Let’s go steal some campaign signs! Let’s hope this […] -
Roland Chi: Thief
Posted on October 18, 2010 | 1 CommentWhen you’ve already been busted for poisoning folks, ignoring what you did, and then, finally having to give the DA a sample of your DNA to plea away your problems, […] -
Roland Chi: The Day The DA Took My DNA
Posted on September 29, 2010 | 8 CommentsLast week you saw some grim pictures taken by a health inspector while the Chi clan was being rounded up for prosecution, which was instigated by a bunch of folks getting food […] -
A Citizen Responds to Roland Chi Nonsense
Posted on September 28, 2010 | 1 CommentThe other day Fullerton City Council candidate, carpetbagger, and food poisoner Roland Chi sent out a press release touting his “volunteering” to educate folks about promote some So Cal Edison […] -
Fullerton Is Doomed!
Posted on September 25, 2010 | No CommentsOut here on Screech Owl Road, east of Twentynine Palms you can see things pretty clearly. Sometimes the heat causes shimmer mirages; sometimes the wind kicks up some devilish sand […] -
So Why Did Rackauckas Endorse Roland Chi After Criminally Charging Him?
Posted on September 21, 2010 | 3 CommentsYour guess is as good as mine. The charges leveled by the OC DA Tony Rackauckas against Roland Chi were as long as your arm, and stemmed from the tsunami […]
In Years Past, Joanne Barnett was a member of (then) Anaheim City Elementary School District Board of Trustees, at the…