Great question. You should investigate it. I think I noted previously that Ma is running for higher office this year,…
I have faith in your reading comprehension, Ryan, should you decide to employ it.
All right, if your standard is chameleon-like talent and facile musical cosplaying. But this particular Ramones song is sure better…
(RAMONES > QUEEN. In most cases.) WTF? All the Ramones songs sound the same.
What happened with Ma’s entanglement with the FBI?
After reading Serrano’s basis for his appeal the issue became apparent as another case of Me Me Me. Somewhere along…
Still... what were you originally trying to say?
That's a lot of words, Greg.
Did I mention that Bullockus is in favor of giving public funds to private (I think it was specifically religious)…
sexist remarks Archive
Binders Full of Women at OCGOP: Helen Hayden for Sup Ct Judge
Posted on May 5, 2014 | 16 Comments“Ms. Hayden’s election to the Superior Court will do much to erase the stain that Judge Johnson has left upon it.” ~ Orange County Register Editorial Board All over Orange […] -
Research wonk says Bustamante was just joking
Posted on July 17, 2008 | 3 CommentsSome guy named “K. Lloyd Billingsley” wrote a commentary in today’s O.C. Register defending Santa Ana Clowncilman Carlos Bustamante for his “water-bra” comments. Billingsley compared what Busty said to former […] -
Carlos Bustamante’s resignation makes the AP wire
Posted on July 11, 2008 | 7 CommentsThere are some who are saying that the resignation of Santa Ana Clowncilman Carlos Bustamante from his two state commissions will blow over by the time he runs for reelection […] -
Adios Carlos!
Posted on July 10, 2008 | 22 Comments“Santa Ana City Councilman Carlos Bustamante has quietly resigned from two state commissions he was appointed to by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, after his published remarks last month suggesting that a […]
I'm going to celebrate this disagreement by nominating as "the song of Winter 2025": "I Wanna Be Sedated." (And Heart…