Dems did horribly in this race. They couldn’t find one strong candidate to run against Strickland so they ran two…
I’m talking about him fleeing.
The real story is Trump is promoting nalevo and blat as means of survival in America. Soon there will be…
Good response. I thought that the commenter might have be trying to get me to say "herpes," but I wouldn't…
I remember when that fat fuck had to conduct a forensic investigation only to find out that Henry Lipton was…
More pink toad touching.
I remember your "post" (comment.) It was stupid. You thought Greg was ridiculing Florice's appearance because you're a shitty reader…
It makes Eric not the main writer. The main writer here is clearly me. I was saying "Bob" contributes more…
Volunteer journalists react er report.
sunny d blog Archive
When Jerbals attack!
Posted on April 8, 2009 | No CommentsYou know the other blogs in town are slow when they have to resort to writing about me, and the Orange Juice blog. Dan C., over at Blue County, wrote […] -
Claudio Gallego’s greatest Orange Juice hits!
Posted on March 2, 2009 | 10 CommentsNow that our former blogger Claudio Gallegos has returned to the OC blogosphere I thought this would be a good opportunity to revisit some of his past work here at […] -
Claudio Gallegos is returning to the OC blogosphere
Posted on March 1, 2009 | 51 CommentsOur former blogger Claudio Gallegos has decided to return to blogging, but he won’t be coming back here to the Orange Juice. Instead he is starting a new blog called […]
Dems didn't "run two candidates." Diep, like Briscoe, is a perennial who's just gonna run no matter what. And it…