You remember that?? Lol. Anywho. Mexico is still a country and not a protectorate pretending to be one. And, yes,…
The OC Press Club is dead.
You've never heard of the Mexican-American war? You still don't seem to understand the concept of sovereignty, but I'm willing…
Mistrial on Judge Ferguson case. 11-1 in favor of conviction.
Perhaps of Interest -
A Day in the Life of Tenants United Anaheim Last week a tenant messaged us on Facebook asking for help,…
WE DIDN'T START THE EATON FIRE! This piece is from the Fucking News. No, seriously, "The Fucking News" on Substack.…
Is Zelensky an American asset??
Yesenia Rojas Archive
The Triumph of Big Money in Anaheim – pt 1: Vanquishing Batiste in District 5.
Posted on January 3, 2021 | 22 CommentsFirst half of the story, focusing on the district 5 defeat. -
Yesenia used in grotesque State of the City Whitewash Video.
Posted on February 7, 2018 | 18 CommentsHis name was Manuel Diaz... -
Anaheim: The Mishegas and the Desmadre, Oct. 2017 edition.
Posted on October 15, 2017 | 9 Comments. . . The furious forward march of Anaheim mishegas and desmadre waits on no man’s rehab, so let’s assemble and disseminate a little of what we’ve been learning lately: […] -
Complex Anaheim, May 2017 Edition: Wincome Furniture, Rainbow Flagblocking.
Posted on May 25, 2017 | 8 Comments. . . Couple weeks ago, all I knew was Yesenia needed help, around the corner at St Anthony’s, “moving furniture for the neighborhood.” And so, of course, Donna and […] -
Weekend Open Thread: Republican Debates, Daily Show Finale … and Saturday event reminders!
Posted on August 7, 2015 | 8 Comments. . . . . Both editors: This video doesn’t seem to want to embed properly here, we blame Huffington Post. Click the link though, it’s worth it! Trump at […] -
Weekend Open Thread: ZDoggMD, the Doctor who broke into song; Zenger’s art comes to Brea … and MORE!
Posted on July 31, 2015 | 10 Comments. . . Vern’s contributions: A few days ago we got an e-mail this week from the people representing a doctor Zubin Damania, aka ZDoggMD; they thought we would be […] -
Second yard-sale, July 4 morning, for Yesenia’s legal funds!
Posted on July 3, 2015 | 4 Comments. . . Most of you probably know who Yesenia Rojas is – the brave activist and neighborhood leader whom even Anaheim Police Chief Raul Quezada praises as a positive […] -
Fitzgerald, vindicated by jury, plans to sue Gail Eastman cabal for $158 million!
Posted on June 8, 2015 | 24 CommentsFirst off, let me not insult or bore the reader or myself by spending more than one sentence distancing myself from William Denis Fitzgerald’s more obnoxious rhetoric. There, done. What […] -
International Women’s Day 2014 – this Saturday!
Posted on March 7, 2014 | 8 CommentsIt is International Women’s day, and as it seems that nobody else is writing about it in the local blogsphere, I am doing it again. It must be my feminine […] -
11 this morning – Working-class Anaheim neighborhoods say “ENOUGH” to police brutality and harassment.
Posted on May 21, 2013 | 6 Comments. Just arrived in our inbox (a remarkably short, or circular, voyage…) For Immediate Release: WORKING-CLASS ANAHEIM NEIGHBORHOODS SAY “ENOUGH” TO POLICE BRUTALITY AND HARASSMENT. WHEN: Wednesday May 22, 2013, […] -
International Women’s Day, and Anaheim’s Civic Leaders
Posted on March 9, 2013 | 11 Comments. The International Women’s Day (yesterday) did not get much attention in our local circles. Recognizing and celebrating women’s roles and issues, especially only one day of the year, could […]
Icymi proud oc county republicans like Willie the Weenie, Sheriff Don Barnes and Supervisor Don Wagner endorsed racist, business license…