Solorio staffer loses her mind and joins the Hoa Van Tran campaign

Truong “Tomahawk” Diep posted a letter over at the Red County blog purporting to be from a KimChi Nguyen, who apparently worked for Assemblyman Jose Solorio but has now quit to join the Hoa Van Tran campaign. That seems like a crazy move.

The letter supposedly was posted on the Liberal OC, but I could not find it on their website.

Diep wrote that “this gal despises Republicans in general. She worked for the DPOC during the Daucher v. Correa contest, then moved over to Solorio’s office 5 or 6 months ago. Another interesting fact about her, she and Edgardo Reynoso founded some consulting firm together a few years back.”

So KimChi Nguyen and Edgardo “El Rey de los Cholos” Reynoso go way back.

Here is KimChi Nguyen’s crazed letter:

My fellow Democrats:

I write this response with the intent that we, and when I say we I mean us Democrats, take a breather and think about what’s going on within our party in regards to Hoa Van Tran’s campaign and the future growth of the Democratic Party in Central Orange County.

The personality conflict and associated drama between campaign staffers and supporters, past and present, Bloggers and party activists serves only to hamstring Hoa Van Tran’s Campaign and collaterally alienate a significant portion of Vietnamese Americans from becoming Democrats and voting for Democratic candidates whether they be Vietnamese or not. As far as amending the report, this issue has been blown out of proportion. The report is amended, as required by the FPPC, not as demanded by the bloggers pandered to on the right and appeased on the left.

Beyond that, I know there are greater issues before us to discuss and opportunities to maximize for the greater benefit of all Democrats. Democrats have the opportunity to solidify the relationship with the Vietnamese American Community with Hoa Van Tran’s candidacy independent of its success. Unfortunately, in my opinion, his candidacy was fundamentally dismissed in the beginning, minimally supported and at present, I am saddened to say, actively suppressed by people within the Democratic Party. These people are supposed to be helping Democratic candidates, not undermining them. I do not state this lightly for the consequences are detrimental which will result in Central Orange County ceasing to be a Democratic strong hold for the next 8 years.

Most everyone knows by now that Vietnamese Americans vote at a higher percentage than any other demographic in Orange County, thus it behooves Democrats to bring them inside the Democratic tent.

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez and State Senator Lou Correa continue to invest a great deal of time, effort and resources in cultivating a relationship with the Vietnamese American electorate. The relationship can be articulated as an incumbent and tested during the election cycles. With all due respect to former State Senator Joe Dunn, former Assemblyman Tom Umberg and the Democratic Party of Orange County, and hind sight being 20/20, the shallow relationship that they accepted with Vietnamese Americans undoubtedly leaves them dramatically vulnerable should either of them decide to run again. This type of vulnerability is not limited to these two Democrats and the Party.

Let me explain, Lou Correa and Loretta Sanchez have made significant inroads into the Vietnamese Community for more than a decade and Assemblyman Jose Solorio is continuing with this endeavor in the same manner: hiring fully bilingual and bicultural staff that see themselves as the Vietnamese vanguard (perhaps the “VanTran-Guards”) of the Democratic Party; participating in key cultural events and championing key issues specific to the community. In other words, doing what Democratic politicians and the Party have always done as before with the Irish, Italians, environmentalists, LGBT, working families etc. For all the hard work of the elects and the staffers, recent elections demonstrate that this strategy is insufficient to meet the needs of all the stakeholders of the Democratic Party.

For example, by the time that Lou Correa ran for State Senate in 2006, had already appeared on the ballot in 5 election cycles and had very high name recognition by voters. Somehow, he almost lost the race in the fall to former Republican Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher. How could this happen when Lynn Daucher, was an unknown to most of the 34th District? The answer is Van Tran.

Republican Assemblyman Van Tran was able to redirect a large number of Vietnamese voters to Lynn Daucher, an unknown carpet-bagger. Van Tran and his group were successful in dramatically decreasing the support that Lou Correa had received in the past from the Vietnamese Community in spite of all his long term efforts with this community.

Janet Nguyen’s victory in the Special Election over Van Tran’s hand-picked candidate ultimately thwarted Van Tran’s Napoleonic design over Central Orange County by weakening his grip on the Vietnamese Community. This cannot be denied but her election deals with the symptom NOT the real problem facing Democrats during this election cycle.

The question has to be asked, does Janet Nguyen retaining the Supervisorial seat this election cycle help the Democrats? The answer seems to escape many Democrats, so please allow me to share my answer:


We already know that she is anti-Unions, anti-Latino and anti-anything Democratic. With almost 500,000 Democrats in Orange County, why are we forfeiting the opportunity of getting a Democrat elected?

If any Democrat out there believes that Janet Nguyen helps neutralize Van Tran long term, you’re gravely mistaken; in the same way that the US government believed that Saddam Hussein would neutralize the Islamic Revolution headed by the Ayatollah Khomeini.

It seems that many Democrats do not consider Janet Nguyen a threat against Democrats in the future; but in reality, she ALREADY poses the greatest THREAT AGAINST DEMOCRATS in the present and the near future. Party activists, bloggers, and key constituents as well as elected officials need to double check their political calculus. Do we, as Democrats, really trust that Janet Nguyen to only go against Van Tran? When one considers how powerful Janet Nguyen will be if she retains the Supervisorial seat for 8 more years, do Democrats NOT see that by tacitly supporting Janet by omission, if not outright commission, they are jeopardizing their own political future and the viability of the Democratic Party in the future.

Because Janet Nguyen is more palatable to non-Vietnamese Republicans and thus will be more powerful than Van Tran could ever be. And sooner than later, if she is not defeated in the fall, Janet Nguyen will be more able than Van Tran to defeat whichever Democrat she goes up against, short of Loretta Sanchez.

The problem dictates the solution. We need more Democrats of Vietnamese descent elected not just a tacit alliance with the “enemy of our enemy” or better said “choosing the lesser of two evils” would still result in something evil.

We, as Democrats, have a choice as far as the case for Hoa Van Tran’s candidacy. Collectively we can dismiss him for a multitude of reasons such as not walking enough, not being well known, not having key endorsements outside of the Vietnamese American Democratic Club, Orange County Young Democrats and the Democratic Party of Orange County…all the other rest of the issues have already been beaten into the ground.

I know that as a Democrat, who happens to be Vietnamese American, Hoa Van Tran CAN WIN this seat in the fall with the support of the allies of the Democratic Party. It doesn’t matter what has been said or what people have been accused of on either side, it pales in comparison when we consider the opportunity that Democrats have before us of getting the emergence of the Vietnamese American community that votes at a higher rate than any other community of interest into the Democratic fold. If you are a Democrat, do you really want to let Van Tran, Dina Nguyen and Janet Nguyen take long term possession of this group of voters?

I, for one, am NOT. And thus I have submitted my resignation, with heavy heart but high hope, at Assemblyman Jose Solorio’s office to work full time on Hoa Van Tran’s Campaign for Supervisor. I know that Hoa is going to make it into the run-off.

This is where I stand. How about you, my fellow Democrats.

Congratulations KimChi – you have now joined in an effort that is HURTING your party! Lou Correa and Loretta Sanchez have made the Democratic Party palatable to independent voters and even some disenchanted Republicans. And their Democrat base is NOT radical liberals, but rather working families. Imagine what they will think when they get mailers showing Van Tran’s cholos standing in front of his campaign signs, in his office? Because of Van Tran and Reynoso the Democratic Party of Orange County now appears to be the cholo party! Not good.

People in the First District DO NOT like cholos. Most Latinos you talk to would love to see them all locked up.

As for KimChi’s attack on Supervisor Janet Nguyen, it is complete B.S. But I am glad she came out swinging. Now we know that the real reason some Democrats are backing Van Tran is because Supervisor Nguyen scares the hell out of them. Supervisor Nguyen is no Bob Dornan. She is quite reasonable and she is very popular with her constituents. And no she is not some flaming crazed conservative, like Mimi Walters or Harry Sidhu over in the 33rd State Senate District.

I have received probably a dozen mailers from Supervisor Nguyen’s campaign this year. NEVER does she attack immigrants or unions or any of the other groups mentioned by the deranged KimChi Nguyen. Instead Nguyen touts her work in the community and in areas like education. If anything, her mailers remind me of Lou Correa’s campaign mailers.

When the smoke settles and more of Van Tran’s cholo staffers are behind bars, while Van Tran slinks off to cry about getting less than ten percent of the vote, KimChi is going to feel rather stupid. I hope Solorio does NOT hire her back. A move as idiotic as this ought to be rewarded with an end to KimChi’s political career.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.