I was shocked today to see that the Red County/OC Blog has accepted a paid advertisement (pictured above) from Measure G, the latest fraudulent bond measure from the Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD). What the hell is Red County/OC Blog editor Matt/Jubal Cunningham thinking?
You can see the ad above or by clicking here.
The SAUSD bungled the proceeds from the last bond, Measure C, including blowing over twenty million to build a warehouse instead of a school! They also blew millions of dollars from the Tustin settlement. And they passed a PLA, or project labor agreement, after passage of Measure C, which forced the district to take bids only from union contractors. This increased costs and slowed down production, which is pretty much what PLAs do.
Why would Cunningham accept an ad from the Measure G campaign? This goes against his supposed Republican values. Is he so greedy that he will take an ad from anyone, even if the ad promotes raising our taxes? How disgusting.
Needless to say, I am very disappointed that a supposedly Republican blog would accept paid ads from people that want to raise our taxes, particularly when you consider the epidemic waste and corruption that is the SAUSD.
Do you ever try to know what you are talking about, Art? And you’re the same guy who still brags about his high school SAT.
They bought an ad, genius. Red County sells ad space, just like any other media outlet. Being that we actually have an audience worth reaching, campaigns want to advertise on our blog.
By your logic, Red County endorses every candidate who advertise on our blog — even those running against each other.
For the record, I’m opposed to Measure G. I don’t believe in rewarding failure.
I think the bigger question is why Yes on G thought your readership was in their target demo. I agree that you should take any advertising revenue that comes your way, but if I were they I would consider advertising with you a conflict of interest.
Is this some kind of publicity stunt on either of your parts?
Is there a thread here for sausd?
Kinda ridiculous. An ad is an ad, it’s not a political statement by OC Blog.
Most people of adult age know that an ad placed on a website, newspaper or TV, doesn’t imply support for the ad’s claims.
anon 3, here is your thread:
Have you NO control over your ads? Are you kidding? If someone wanted to buy an ad on your site promoting child molestation would you allow them to? Give me a break!
For the record, I would NOT accept an ad from the Measure G campaign. I don’t need their dirty money. That you are OK with doing so says a lot about you.
Is this some kind of publicity stunt on either of your parts?
Huh? It’s a blogad. Art’s just playing his holier-than-thou game.
It would be hard for you to mount a more absurd argument.
Thta’s mighty pure of you to decline Mmeasure G ad money, but I don’t think turning away ad revenues is your problem. Attracting them is.
We live in a free market.
I think OC Blog should be able to run ads for what ever they want.
But I as a conservative, who is against tax increases and the waste and fraud and corruption and failure that is SAUSD also have a right to not read OC Blog.
Who ever decided to place an ad for a tax hike on a conservative website must not be too bright…….but then again, what do you expect from those running SAUSD or its tax hike fraud, ie Dennis DeSnoo….
What till everyone see’s the dirt I’ve dug up on ol’ Dennis……..
Dennis DeSnoo. Mr. I Want Union Support but I Don’t Support Unions. DeSnoo shows us his limited intelligence by posting an ad with a Republican, Conservative, Anti-Tax blog. What a Moron!
So far as Jubal goes, his acceptance of the money for this ad only shows how badly he needs the money.
Anon #3
There are several SAUSD threads. On the main page on the right side you will see a sausd logo you can click on. Don’t let the first story on Tran throw you off. I’m guessing it was miscatagorized. Scroll down and you find the pic of good old Mijares with all the various comments for the last 2 years. There is also another temp thread to add to the confusion, but in short yes there is a SAUSD thread.
As to Jubal and taking measure G money, I only half agree with Mr. Gordon. Free enterprise should also be tempered with some kind of morality. If I don’t believe in a cause I wouldn’t take money to promote it. But that’s just my opinion.
Good grief. Has Orange juice rejected OC Weekly’s christening OJ as Best Blog because the Weekly accepts ads from hookers and prostitution fronts?
I didn’t think so.
Time to dismount from your high horses.
Nice try. I have NO problem with OC Weekly. The difference is that Red County is THE blog for far right troglodytes. It is utterly incongruous for you to run the Measure G ad and you KNOW IT.
If the Orange school district was trying to pass a bond I bet you would not accept their ads, since it would affect YOUR taxes. You just don’t give a sh*t about the people in my city, and it shows.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself, if you have any shame left that is.
Good lord Art, you’ve really outdone yourself in this post.
And posting your ACT scores on the internet in a pathetic attempt to show intellectual muscle???
You are a one of a kind pendejo, that’s for sure.
Oh great. You found our blog again. Listen, when someone challenges your intellectual capacity, how else can you refute the charges? Of course you would have to bring up education, tests such as the ACT, the SAT and the IQ test, etc. If you want to blame someone for the entire mess look no further than your GOP hack amigo Matt/Jubal.
BTW, have you asked Matt/Jubal why he is promoting a tax hike on his blog?
I don’t read your rag and I’m further right than Reagan. This place only keeps me here because they take a stand right or wrong. There ain’t no high horses around here. Near as I can tell they all seem to be upfront, wordy, overbearing, blustery, and here’s a word you can look up…honest. I don’t agree with half of them but I believe they say what they mean and they don’t take money from crap like SAUSD.
Art my friend, gotta side with Jubal here. Sometimes I have to see Ann Coulter’s ugly mug on my favorite leftwing blogs, but her folks are helping bring me that blog. We oughtta accept some advertising – running this thing must cost you something, no?
Honestly, I have not had the time to sell ads up until now. Matt pretty much is working full time on Red County. I work full time and I teach for Cerritos College, and three other companies on the side.
Sarah is going to be helping me with the ads going forward. And with our new design and increase in readership I think we should do very well going forward. But I will be picky about ads. I will NOT support any measures that will increase our taxes. My personal sentiment is that we are overtaxed…and I won’t add to that burden.
You would think Matt would feel the same way, but obviously money matters more to him than standing for something he believes in.
Yeah Matt-
Criticize us all you like, but the site redesign has cost us a grand total of ZERO dollars (not counting hosting fees of course). Everyone’s welcome. 🙂
Imagine what we could do (and the readers we could bring) if we had Red County’s budget. I only wish our government officials had that kind of efficiency.
This is great news for the log cabin Republicans who I’m sure would love by some ad space to fight against the Anti-marraige admendment.
Note the statement from Red-faced blogger Matt Cunningham: “Red County sells ad space.” That’s not all they sell. They have no principles — everything is for sale. Even their “articles” are paid political advertising. They’re not high-priced writers, they’re low-priced hookers.
1)Matt never challenged your intellectual capacity. He challenged your intellectual fortitude. Are you so intellectually challenged that you can’t understand this simple point or are you just being intellectually dishonest?
2)If you consider allowing a committee to advertise on your website as synonymous to “promoting” that committee, then maybe Matt should have challenged your intellectual capacity after all. Your faux outrage is transparently disingenuous, but I will make sure to remember that as your website begins to collect $ for ad space.
Yo Jubal –
You are the gatekeeper to your blog, you can accept or deny any advertising. That’s the bottom line.
BTW .. I have an extra kidney I’ve been carrying around. I’d like to advertise kidney for sale. How much would that cost me? Thanks.