It looks like Ware Disposal is out to trash the Logan Barrio. According to Santa Ana Clowncil Member Michele Martinez’ latest newsletter, Ware Disposal wants to rezone their properties in that neighborhood to heavy industrial. Here is an excerpt from that newsletter (you can also click on the graphic above to read this copy):
Project: Ware Disposal
The applicant proposes to change the zoning from two family residence (R2) to heavy industrial (M2) for the properties at 1022, 1024, and 1026 North Lincoln. The Applicant is also applying for a conditional use permit to allow a truck terminal in the heavy industrial zone on all properties, and for variances from landscaping, parking and screening for all of the properties.
Considering how much money Ware Disposal gave to Measure D, which extended the Santa Ana Clowncil Members terms another four years, I suspect this is a done deal. How sad is that?
Let’s see if Martinez and her cohorts actually have the cojones to stand up to Ware. Somehow I doubt it.
Art –
Please. Some background. Has Ware ever even applied for a variance? If so, and it was turned down, there’s really no chance that passing the new zoning regulation isn’t quid pro quo, is there?
Too bad the “Renaissance plan” did not get adopted, it would have dumped the current zoning for the area.
The current zoning is either/or, residential or heavy industrial.
It will be interesting to see what kind of “mitigation” will be required to insulated the residential neighbors from the expanded effects of the business.
Ware is and always has been the big bad bully in the Logan neighborhood.
Imagine a big, noisy, stinky industrial buys up homes on your residential and starts parking trash trucks and waste bins, illegally without permits or permission, next door.
Imagine that stinky, noisy mess gives big bucks to your Mayor, lots of bucks.
Imagine your Mayor turning a blind eye and screwing over the rsidents.
That’s Ware Disposal.
The Ware Attorney even went so far as to calls the houses in the neighborhood “crummy little shacks” and wing off like he was some kind of tough guy.
Thomas –
Yeah, that’s about what I pictured. Thanks! I move 3300 miles away and still can’t get away from massive corruption. And I thought Massachusetts was bad!
The city is having an EIR prepared and it still has to come before the Planning Commission and the City Council for approval. This project is far from approved at the current time.
You refer to Logan Barrio zoning as “either/or” – that is not correct. Logan is a “mixed use area”.
Currently each parcel is specifically zoned as either industrial OR residential, and a small amount of commercial. The Renaissance Specific Plan would have made the zone designation for all of Logan as you describe – “either/or” for residential or industrial.
Had the RSP passed as originally designed it would have made things much worse for the residents of Logan. It would have declared all residential parcels in Logan as “open season” to industrial uses including Ware Disposal.
What Ware has done in Logan is to demolish homes on residental zoned properties which are adjacent to their industrial zoned property. They have illegally converted these residential zoned properties (demolished homes) to an ugly, dirty, dangerous and smelly industrial use.
Ware has expanded an undesirable industrial use which although legal in the mixed use area on designated industrial zoned parcels, is illegal and unwelcome on the co-opted residential zoned properties.
Certain industrial operations in Logan are compatable with the residential character of Logan; that is what makes Logan a “mixed use” area. However, the City blundered in allowing Ware to operate a disposal business in Logan.
Ware is asking the City to sanction their illegal expansion.
Call Councilmember Michelle Martinez (714-647-6900) and tell her: No C.U.P. – No rezoning – No variances for Ware – Ware must leave Logan!!
Are you talking about the Renaissance Plan – or Wares request for the City to sanction their illegal use of residential zoned property for a particularly offensive industrial use?
I am talking about the plan being put forth by Ware Disposal.
I was disapointed that the “Pimp my Hood” blog didn’t weigh in on this. I’d like to get her perspective.
Viva Logan,
The RSP I saw was going to make Logan, Lacy, and Garfield all residential with the current Industrial uses grandfathered and fazed out over 20 years.
(Draft 8, Oct 2007)
Chapter 2: Form and character, The Plan.
D. Logan Neighborhood
(1st bullet) Incompatible industrial activity is relocated from the neighborhood.
From looking at the plan that is still posted on the cities web site, it looks like replacing the industrial uses with housing uses.
From looking at the zoning map of Logan, currently every lot can have a house on it, OR a Industrial factory on it. R/I-15 (Residential/Industrial)
The RSP and the citywide zoning map are both on the city web site.
My insider at city hall tells me that Ream was at one point looking for a building in the Logan area that the city was going to buy for Ware so they could move their operations indoors. I’m sure it was at the behest of a few councilmembers.
Concerning the Renaissance Plan and Logan Barrio; I refer you to Chapter 4 The Code. This chapter clearly shows that the entire Logan Barrio will be zoned as R/I (Residential / Industrial).
The important issue is that the ugly, smelly and dangerous industrial operations of Ware Disposal not be allowed to expand and increase the damage they are doing in Logan.
Viva Logan !!!
Viva Logan,
You are right, chapter 4 show Logan retaining the R/I-15 zoning it currently has. That is a change from the original plans.
Maybe the Logan residents need to have the city enforce the law about restricting heavy trucks in residential neighborhoods. Ware’s business couldn’t operate if they could not get they trucks to their property.
If Ware is denied the CUP, variance and re-zoning they are seeking in Logan – they are pretty much “cooked.” – hah, pun intended
Ware must be stopped from inflicting more pain on the residents of Logan, they need everyone’s help.
When this comes before the planning commission Logan will need the support of all of the residents and businesses of Santa Ana.
I am confident that Art and the OJ will keep us all informed on this matter.
Viva Logan !!