“Usual Suspects” next target – Sal Tinajero

The “Usual Suspects” spent the last few weeks trying to destroy Santa Ana Councilwoman Michele Martinez, who dared to run against their boy Miguel Pulido.  Now they are turning their sights on Councilman Sal Tinajero.  The lies they are spreading about him are truly unbelievable.  In two years they hope to take him out with one of their own, but guess what?  That is not going to happen.

Just look at what happened to Jim Walker this year.  Sure he got 17,000 votes – but Councilman Vince Sarmiento got over 29,000 votes.  Game, set and match!  You cannot defeat anyone allied with Team Pulido, unless you are independently wealthy.  If any of the “Usual Suspects” were wealthy they would already be living in Irvine.

They hate Tinajero because he beat their chosen candidate, Jennifer Villasenor, two years ago.  And they hate George Collins for running in that race and taking away white votes that Villasendor needed in order to beat Tinajero.

Is Tinajero the worst Councilman in Santa Ana?  No way!  That honor goes to Carlos Bustamante.  But in two years the next worst candidate comes up for reelection – David Benavides.  He has to go!  His only friend on the Council is Bustamante.  They flew together to D.C. last Cinco de Mayo to attend an event put on by the Bush administration.  When Benavides tries to get an appointment in the Obama administration, that Cinco de Mayo trip is going to doom him.

As for Tinajero, he refused to support Bustamante this year for re-election.  That was impressive.  He showed himself to be a man, while Benavides gladly supported his pal Bustamante.

I will be opposing the re-election of Benavides in two years.  But, as usual, the “Usual Suspects” will be supporting him and trying to take out Tinajero.  I won’t be playing along with that scheme!  Tinajero at least tries to support the working people of our city.  And he stood up against the coronation of Bustamante.  That matters in my book.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.