For months we have listened as pundits questioned the birth certificate of president-elect Barak Obama.
The Mission Viejo Dispatch has posted a copy of the Writ of Mandate and have requested that CA Sec of State Debra Bowen not certifying the election.
Apparently a Mission Viejo dentist has joined with “Ramona attorney Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation in filing the Writ of Mandate Petition in the Sacramento County Superior Court.”
To see a copy of the legal document, and to read the blog post, simply go to the following link.
Gilbert comment. While we ask for financial reports and health documents from candidates, why is the president-elect unwilling to help us clear the air on this issue so that he can begin serving as commader-in-chief with “transparency” from day one?
*McCain-Palin….let us think….oh, they lost!
Obama-Biden….let us think…..oh, they won!
How about this instead: Have John McCain explain why he launched a missle from his A-4 and killed 160 guys on his own Flat Top! What Centerfold was he viewing? Talk about old news!
*Did we mention he was parked….after returning
from a mission? The fire alone was horrendous..
on that carrier! How many millions did that
cost to repair?
For months we have listened as pundits questioned the birth certificate of president-elect Barak [SIC – notice how Larry and his ilk refuse to spell our President’s name correctly?] Obama.
Pundits, Larry? Serious ones? Don’t you mean, like, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity?
Let me help you with your link, you should link to the actual stories so that people don’t need to scroll through football game schedules etc on the Mission Viejo Blog:
and here another local Republican blogger helps you understand why this suit is doomed:
…I admire Dr. Taitz’ spunk, but there’s not a chance this lawsuit will be successful. For one thing, on October 31st the state of Hawaii confirmed that they have Obama’s birth certificate on file. They can’t release it without his approval due to privacy concerns, but if they have his birth certificate, he’s a natural born U.S citizen and eligible to run for the job. End of story.
Some researchers also found a birth notice in the archives of the Honolulu newspaper.
Why wouldn’t Obama want to release his birth certficate? There’s a good likelihood that his name on the certificate was not Barack Hussein Obama, but Barack Hussein Soetero, after his Indonesian stepfather. It also likely shows his religion as Muslim, something that might have been troublesome during the campaign. Even if both are true, it doesn’t change the fact that he meets the citizenship requirement.
Believe me, I’d love to find a way to disqualify Obama, but this isn’t going to do it.
Slow news day, FO’ SHO’.
This is an absolutely ridiculous waste of time. I thought the folks on the right were against “frivolous” lawsuits. What happened to tort reform?
His mother was a US citizen, that makes him a “Natural Born Citizen” (of USA) just like McCain.
Email response.
To answer your question: Because his birth certificate says he was born in Kenya, and if shown, he is not eligible under the US constitution to be President. That is why he is hiding the facts. What other possible answer could there be? Someone forged two different birth certificates in state of Hawaii, and that is also why Governor of Hawaii will not cooperate and is letting this “conspiracy” continue by his in-action
To each of the above writers.
While I accept the fact that Sen Obama received more votes than Sen McCain there are those who continue to raise this issue.
Instead of asking him to produce his birth certificate to put an end to this ongoing line of questioning you shift gears without stepping on the clutch. This takes a lot of practice.
This has now gone beyond simple pundit dialogue. I posted the Mission Viejo Dispatch coverage as it involves a dentist whose practice is in Mission Viejo.
I thought my role as a blogger was to cover stories involving my city or its residents.
Is that a problem for you?
email from a Mission Viejo friend who is also an Obama supporter. As yyou can see I am not taking sides in this legal effort:
This is a lame attempt by some frustrated Republican to get the election back. I assume that both Obama and McCain and other candidates had to show proof of citizenship to run in the first place. Our country may often do dumb and stupid things, but think they have this one covered.
It is hard when your party or candidate loses an election (just ask me re the past two presidential elections before this one), however, this is a fruitless, expensive exercise in frustration.
How we waste money is amazing…..guess there is plenty to go around in California?!
It is a major conspiracy by both parties to cover up details that a simple vetting would uncover.
Listening to hate radio is soooooo Last Week, Larry.
As cook already mentioned, jus sanguinis is good enough. It makes him a natural born citizen, regardless of what is written on the birth certificate.
All these clueless losers from the right-wing nut talk radio have no leg to stand on.
They should do something useful with their money, e.g, donating to fire victims…
Both Cook and Joe are totally wrong. The Country you are born in is where your citizenship is regardless of one of your parent’s being a US Citizen. Knowing his fathers hatred towards the USA, he probably wanted barak to be a Kenya citizen. Only after his hippie mom was used and dumped by baraks father did they try to get him U.S citizenship. Her motive for that was to be able to collect welfare.
Maobama is the US Bolshevik’s chairman. Remember all communist/socialist revolutions have been by the most Naive of the populous. Hitler’s National Socialist Party triumph parallels this election exactly.
Did someone forget to lock the doggie door? it looks like Stanley (#11) snuck back in. 😉
btw it is: B A R A C K.
Kareem Abdul Jabbar
Birth name: Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr.
================*Where was he born? Born in
Inwood, Manhattan, NYC!
OK….now why did “Barry Obama”….who attended
Oxidental College for two years….change his
name to Barack? Maybe all you brilliant name-ologists can figure that one out! Call Huell Howser who did a whole show on Barry Obama and
his school chums and professors at Oxidental!
In the meantime,
everyone is Hawaii…will tell you where he was born. In 1963 when I was in Honolulu….I ran into his mom with little Barry….on Kalakaua Avenue while she pushed him around in his stroller!
Hi Red
I have no respect for commies, so I’ll call him whatever I want. Not that I was a fan of GW’s, but I bet you’ve called him things other then his formal name.
Typical Commie/Liberal Hypocrite.
I bet you’re all for the Democratic vote for Maobama, but against the same voting process that saw Prop 8 gain a victory.
Obumma, I suggest you use your few brain cells and learn about the US laws, and the laws of other countries.
You are so wrong it only is funny.
To give you an example, somebody born in the UK is only a UK citizen if the parents are UK citizens or residents. It is even more restrictive in Germany (although somebody born in the US to German citizens is both a US and a German citizen.)
The US, like, e.g., France and Spain, uses both jus soli and jus sanguini.
Case closed.
Oh, and I invoke Godwin’s law. You lost any argument you had.
“On October 20, 2008 Rachel Maddow, on The Rachel Maddow Show, proposed a corollary to Godwin’s law that as the time a liberal candidate is believed to be winning an election or argument increases, the probability that they will be labeled communist or socialist approaches 1.”
Can you actually invoke Godwin’s Law just because Rachel Maddow suggested it? I thought that it actually involved Nazi comments and comparisons? So I guess this argument is not supposedly dead, although I somehow doubt that. Wasn’t even interested in this thread until I read Joe’s last comment, and actually still not all that interested.
Oh my I sure do read may typo’s in my comment above please excuse those…it should say “now” instead of “not”. And keep in mind I’m pulling your leg Joe.
The funny thing is that this troll first calls the President-elect a communist and in the next sentence compares him to the Nazis. Talk about utter mental confusion…
The corollary you mention is of course not covered by Godwin’s law. Godwin’s law actually covers using Nazi comments or comparisons in an argument. Just mentioning Nazis or Hitler doesn’t trigger it.
Somewhere along the road this thread has surely been twisted. In the mean time I iwll wait to see the outcome of any legal action, be it in CA or elsewhere.
Larry, it is a frivolous waste of money, as anybody with rudimentary legal knowledge can tell you.
Again, the money would be better spent helping victims of the wildfires. It is shameful that some nuts would rather spend money on a frivolous lawsuit than helping people in need.
Joe. I have encouraged readers to assist in providing relief for the fire victims.
That said, I will not challenge anyone’s right to challenge an election outcome wherever that effort takes them.
Larry, of course they have the right to challenge the election outcome. They have a right to make fools of themselves. The money could just be spent for a useful purpose rather than a foolish one. I have a bridge to sell…
While some may question the ongoing effort to see the birth certificate of the president elect the above link refers to possible US Supreme Court consideration of the arguments next month. Therefore, like it or not, this story is still active.