Orange County is full of (fill in the blank) political geniuses. Here are some examples of some boneheaded stuff I have found on Orange County campaign websites. If you have more please add them in the comments section. –The OC Shadow–
Giving Mr. Lucas the Bird
Paul Lucas’s My Space Page for Garden Grove City Council has a photo of a guy giving him the finger. I guess his sixth place finish was the voters of Garden Grove giving Mr. Lucas the finger. Not a great role model for Garden Grove’s youth.
Another boneheaded move by Mr. Lucas was his other campaign website listing folks who had NOT ENDORSED him and listing them as, “Past Endorsements.” Last time I checked endorsements from a 2006 Assembly Race are not transferable to a 2008 city council race.
Rep. Ed Royce says he’s been pushing for Palin
Ed Royce and That Woman from Alaska Who Didn’t Know About Africa
Rep. Ed Royce isn’t sure he can take the credit for John McCain picking Sarah Palin for his running mate. But he sure has been urging the Arizona senator’s campaign advisors to.
“I’ve been pushing this,” Royce, R-Fullerton, said in a call today. “We need proven reformers in government and I’m very relieved by this decision.”
Ed Royce brags on his campaign website and to the OC Register about how he urged McCain’s staff to pick Sarah Palin to be the GOP’s Vice Presidential Nominee. Picking Palin was not exactly the political move of the century. After eight years of Bush I think the country had its fill of lightweights. Which state did Sarah Palin put in play? Maybe the voters of the 40th Congressional District will pick someone besides Ed Royce someday.
Does Mimi Walters know what State Senators do?
On Mimi Walter’s State Senate Campaign site she promises to work to:
Assign the California National Guard to protect our border if the Federal Government refuses to beef-up border patrols or complete the border fence authorized by Congress last year.
Last time I heard State Senators are not in charge of The California National Guard. Mimi Walter’s cannot assign the guard to do anything. If elected to the State Senate, the OC Shadow plans to send Mimi Walters to civics class. Oh that’s right, if elected to the State Senate I wouldn’t have that power.
—-The OC Shadow——–
Since you have chosen to take another swipe at Paul Lucas, why don’t you take a swipe at another one of the losing candidates in Garden Grove, Robin Marcario.
Robin chose to bring aboard Misha Houser onto her campaign despite the fact that Ms. Houser has questionable ethics. Ms. Houser’s actions in the Hoa Van Tran campaign were quite scandalous.
She stole campaign photos and gave them to a partisan Republican blogger in an effort to undermine the only Democrat running in the race. Well it looks like she carried some of that karma over to Robin’s camp where the voters gave them both the finger.
Now give the attacks on Paul Lucas a rest already or we can start rehashing all the lies told by those folks against Hoa’s campaign.
Hoa’s campaign was a disaster from start to finish. To my recollection he is the only candidate to have his workers under indictment for murder. I think anyone trying to defend it would have a difficult time. I have heard that Ms. Houser is not always truthful, but I was only looking at a campaign web sites for silly or specious claims. As far as I know Robin Marcario is an honorable person and I wasn’t aware of her having any web problems.
“To my recollection he is the only candidate to have his workers under indictment for murder.”
Your recollection is incorrect. Nobody was indicted on murder charges.
Also, thanks to the efforts of Misha, the wrong individual was identified in the photos she stole and distributed.
From Bolsavik
Two of Hoa Van Tran’s campaign workers were arrested on attempted murder charges, reveals the Register in a story by Tony Saavedra and Peggy Lowe here.
No one can control what people use as their profile picture on myspace.
So it is acceptable that Mr. Mill can attack anyone he wants, but doesn’t want us saying anything against his comrades.
Hello pot? It’s Kettle, you’re black.
Take it like man Sean, or rather just man up period. People disagree, live with it. That’s way you write for a blog.
What exactly is the axe you have to grind with Paul Lucas? This myspace thing is pretty weak when it comes to criticisms. Makes you look like you’re reaching.
The second part of my post regarding Mr. Lucas’s regarding past endorsements versus real endorsements is more salient, however, anyone who is running for public office is subject to scrutiny and Mr. Lucas’s My Space is specifically labelled a “Paul Lucas for City Council,” therefore it is fair game. If it is too hot in the kitchen then………..