New Mexican consul in Santa Ana turns out to be a snob

When Luis Miguel Ortiz Haro got the boot as the Mexican Consul in Santa Ana, Mexican President Felipe Calderon replaced him with a former Ambassador, Carlos Rodriguez y Quezada.  Haro’s former deputy Consul, Miguel Herrara, with whom Haro often clashed, was retained by Quezada.

Now the OC Weekly has revealed that the community activism favored by Haro has been replaced by a new agenda.  Quezada has made it obvious that he doesn’t give a damn about his people.  Instead his agenda is “promoting high culture and rubbing elbows with local politicians than in helping their brethren in need,” according to Daffodil Altan’s post in the OC Weekly’s Navel Gazing blog.

What a perfect fit for Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido!  He ought to get along just fine with Quezada.  Pulido loves to support the arts and high society.  Santa Ana has only one library, but Pulido gives the elitist Bowers Museum $2 million every year.  And Pulido was all too happy to close down the downtown OCTA bus depot – while pushing for a ridiculously expensive light rail system to ferry rich lawyers from the Santa Ana train depot to the Courthouse.

When I searched for a picture of Quezada, I found the one posted above, which features Pulido’s sidekick, Vince Sarmiento, and Quezada gazing intently at each other.  That figures!  Quezada and our elitist City Council will get along just swell…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.