Why are Santa Ana’s “Usual Suspects” going after Mario Turner, a Park Santiago resident nominated for the Santa Ana Planning Commission? Thomas Gordon attacked Turner in a truly ridiculous post over at Red County, where he accused Turner of “conflict of interest” because of his job. He also claimed that Turner cannot handle the post because he previously resigned from the Santa Ana Housing & Redevelopment Commission.
I served with Turner on the Santa Ana Housing & Redevelopment Commission. I found him to be an honorable and capable man. And I think I know why the Usual Suspects hate him. Turner stands up for the working poor. The Usual Suspects HATE affordable housing – and Turner is a compassionate, thoughtful man who does not bend knee to the bigoted Usual Suspects.
Unfortunately the Santa Ana City Council allowed the Usual Suspects to bully them at tonight’s Council meeting. Turner’s appointment was pulled by the Councilman who nominated him – David Benavides. Councilman Carlos Bustamante jumped on the idea of continuing the motion. Just like that a good man was left twisting in the wind.
Turner is a father of two young boys who are being brought up to be fully bilingual. That is so cool! He has a lovely family. I know he is sacrificing a lot by offering to serve on the Planning Commission. He does not deserve to be attacked.
It is ironic that the Santa Ana City Council would fail to appoint Turner just as President Elect Barack Obama has announced the appointment of a truly progressive – and effective – affordable housing leader, Shaun Donovan, as his secretary of Housing and Urban Development. It figures that the Democrats on the Santa Ana City Council would utterly fail to follow suit by backing Turner, who is cut from the same cloth as Donovan.
If I were Turner I would tell the clowns on the Santa Ana City Council to take a flying leap. The City of Santa Ana does not deserve him. But at the same time I hope he sticks to his guns. We need good people like Turner on our city commissions. Too bad the clowns on the Council, and their rabid attack dogs in the Usual Suspects, don’t understand that.
nice pick reminds me of one of my favorite steven king books/movies It.
Nice graphic Art. What can you say, Gordon…
Mario is my neighbor. Yes, it true to form that this group wouldn’t pick the right guy.
I was the SA resident who spoke against appointing a developer to the planning commission. I feel that it would be a conflict of interest.
And who exactly do these people want on the Planning Commission?
I hope that this is nothing more than a bump in the road and Mario is appointed at the next meeting.
Mario is a great guy and I look forward to serving with him on the Planning Commission in the very near future.
He is an asset to the community and I am sure he will be an asset to the commission.
It just saddens me that folks that know nothing about him would speak out against him. Rather than believing what they are told they should do their homework. If they had they would see that Mario is more than qualified and that it is not a conflict of interest for him to serve.
I am confident that the council will do the right thing and Mario will be on board before our next meeting.
So Thomas and the Usual Suspects have decided they know best who should be appointed to commissions in Santa Ana.
I hope the Mayor and Council make their own decisions and aren’t swayed by these knuckleheads.
Appointing a developer to the Santa Ana Planning Commission would bring potential conflicts of interest front and center.
Additionally, SA City Council members promoted Measure D to extend the City Council’s term limits from (2) four year terms to (3) four year terms
One of the arguments that City Council members used to promote the extension of term limits is that it would make Council members “more able to resist the influence of developers.”
And now the SA City Council wants to give a developer a seat at the table. What is wrong with this picture?
Mr. Tardif and Gordon would have us all believe that this is about being opposed to a “developer” being appointed to the planning commission. What this is really about is affordable housing. Reeps like Tardif and Gordon hate it and Mr. Turner advocates for it. That in their eyes disqualifies him as a candidate to serve.
Isn’t Mario Turner employed by a developer and not the owner of a Development Company? Is this just another one of that Cry Baby “the Planner’s” jealous attacks on a well accomplished individual? Yes, “Cry Baby” Planner. He knows why he has this new nickname.
What do Mario Turner and “The Planner” have in common? Mario’s employer got approval from the City of Westminster Redevelopment for a project and “The Planner” got a Kick in the Ass from the City of Westminster and was fired.
Thomas Gordon and his Bozo Friends are nothing more than Santa Ana’s very own pack of wild dogs looking for a fight.
Anon #9 said: “What this is really about is affordable housing. Reeps like Tardif and Gordon hate it and Mr. Turner advocates for it.”
I have been working WITH non-profit affordable housing advocates concerning development in Santa Ana. Ask them, you know who they are.
Mr. Turner is an “advocate” for affordable housing in the sense that, as a developer, he is highly compensated for his efforts.
He likely would have additional monetary benefits from his corporation’s possible successful development efforts – including development in the City of Santa Ana.
SA City Council members have said that they are very concerned about developer influence within the City. Developers do not belong on the Santa Ana Planning Commission.
Well is this guy a developer or not? Maybe he’s the nicest guy in the world, but if he’s a developer, I gotta say that really doesn’t seem appropriate for a Planning Commissioner. Have a councilmember appoint him to a different commission.
No. He is not a developer. He works at a developer. I don’t see a conflict here at all. If there is one all he has to do is recuse himself.
This whole stink has nothing to do with where Turner works. It has everything to do with his stance on affordable housing.
Everyone on the Planning Commission has potential conflicts. One of them works for a bank that does a lot of mortgage lending. One of them works for a title company. One of them works as an SAUSD principal. One of them works for a local hospital. One of them even serves on the board of the Santa Ana Business Bank! If any of them have conflicts all they have to do is not vote on those issues, period.
Affordable Housing = Workforce Housing
Affordable housing does not mean HUD Project Housing. Mr. Turner’s knowledge and expertise would be an asset to the Planning Commission and the City of Santa Ana.
I can’t say the same for the local USC group aka Usual Suspect Clowns. The clown in the center resembles Count Chokula don’t you think?
anon #12 said: “Well is this guy a developer or not?”
To answer your question – from the San Fernando Valley Business Journal:
“Amcal has also hired … Mario Turner … as director of development for Orange County.”
Judge for yourself. http://www.amcalhousing.com/
It does not matter to me if Mr. Turner is a developer for a luxury high-rise or million dollar homes or affordable housing – a developer is a developer – they have their interests and the residents and businesses of Santa Ana often times have differing interests.
Members of the SA City Council supported Measure D as a means to lessen the influence of developers in City Hall. Each member of the City Council has accepted those Measure D extended term limits. Not one of them went on record opposing Measure D.
Santa Ana residents are appointed to the various commissions to be advocates of the interests of the residents and businesses of Santa Ana. A developer, who may have to recuse himself, is not a good fit for the Planning Commission.
We all know that much of Measure D was a ruse. Of course developers still have a lot of pull at City Hall, but one of them, Robert Bisno, is tanking. The Bush depression is hurting all of them.
Turner is a longtime resident and he is raising two kids in our city. He has the professional experience and the personal stake that makes him an excellent nominee for this Commission.
Here is a question for Mr. Gordon – if Turner is so bad who else would Mr. Gordon like to see nominated? Thus far he has not presented any such ideas.
Why would you want a Planning Commissioner who works at a developer who needs to constantly recuse himself?
Put him on another commission if he’s so great!
Some of you seem to be trying to depict Mario Turner as a “wealthy developer”. Again, he works for a developer of affordable housing. Mario himself lives in a 2 bedroom house in Santa Ana. Not exactly the profile that some are trying to depict.
anon teacher,
Actually, his relative wealth has nothing to do with it. Rather, it’s an issue of potential conflicts of interest. What’s wrong with “heading that off at the pass”?
There was no audio for last night’s council meeting. Is this Pulido’s new tactic of keeping information from the public?
You’re joking, aren’t you?
Pulido & Brett Franklin recused themselves on the One Broadway project, despite Pulido’s hawking of this doomed project.
And as far as the Renaissance Plan – Pulido & Sarmiento will have to recuse themselves as well.
Developers? What about Santa Ana’s elected officials having to recuse themselves over conflicting developments within the community?
“What about Santa Ana’s elected officials having to recuse themselves over conflicting developments within the community?”
Not exactly apples to apples there. The potential frequency for a developer on the Planning Commission to need to recuse themselves would be much higher.
No. 21 anon said: “Developers? What about Santa Ana’s elected officials having to recuse themselves over conflicting developments within the community?”
While some conflicts of interest are unavoidable, the potential conflicts of a SA Planning Commissioner who would also be a developer are avoidable.
Why would you want to set yourself up
Look this is all an end run around Sean Mill by the usual suspects so their puppet “the unemployed planner” can get on the planning commission.
Art you should re-post the Who is “the unemployed planner” post so he remembers who he is and so does everyone else. People need to know not to trust this guy.
janet Xmas past,
To clear things up for you and others, I was the only person involved in speaking on this matter before the City Council.
I spoke for what I believe is the best interest of the residents and businesses of Santa Ana. I did not speak on behalf of anyone else.
I didn’t know who the people Art refers to as the “usual suspects” were until last night.
If you or anyone else has any further questions you can reach me at mike@tardifsheetmetal.com or (714) 547-7135.
I would’ve loved to hear your comments, but there was no audio available to those who watched from home.
anon no. 26 – No audio for the Monday Dec. 15th meeting in the Community Room of the SAPD? Was this broadcast on the City channel at 9:00 this morning?
Was there an explanation given for this?
Do you know if this was a cable company problem or City recording problem?
Did I at least look good? I was the one who resembles Brad Pitt, but much better looking and in better shape.
Clearly Mr. Tardif was there to parrot the rhetoric of Mr. Gordon. It was Mr. Gordon who created this pseudocontroversy and Mr. Tardiff is carrying water for him.
Anonymous #28
You could not be MORE wrong.
Also could you please learn to spell. There is only one F.
To Anonymous no. 28 (The Brave One),
You are indeed the wise one – brilliant.
Mike –
Since there was no audio I chose not to watch the meeting. I’ve heard you resemble Gary Cooper, is that accurate?
Ho! Ho! Ho!
I’ll take Gary Cooper – it is “High Noon.”
The following comments are from the Janet Nguyen post in which Art calls Supervisor Nguyen to task for conflict of interest and Sean brings up the SA Planning Commission appointment.
Mike Tardif Says:
I agree with you that conflicts of interest can be problematic.
Why then would you support the appointment of a developer (Mario Turner), with possible development interest in Santa Ana, to the SA Planning Commission?
Art Pedroza Says:
Mario has never hidden his employment. Supervisor Nguyen, on the other hand, failed to mention her obvious conflicts of interest while addressing the public and her fellow Supervisors on the issue of restaurant ratings.
What Nguyen did was very wrong but it was also typical of what I have come to expect from her.
Sean H. Mill Says:
I support Mario because I know him to be a man of integrity who would recuse himself from a vote if there were to be any sort of conflict of interest.
Some of those stirring the pot on this, and no I am not referring to you, have recently shown that they are the ones with questionable integrity. The lies they tell to members of the city council appear to be endless these days. Some might say that they have become pathological.
I would recommend that you talk to Mario before you start buying into what people have told you. He is a good man and deserving of a position on the Planning Commission. Judge him for yourself and I am sure you will have a much different opinion.
Let me remind you that it was you that strayed from the subject matter and brought up Mario’s appointment. I was simply responding to your comments.
Try and stay focused.
Heaven forbid we have someone who actually knows and understands what the planning commission is actually be on the board.
Sean – I am focused like a laser beam AH. You mentioned Mario Turner in comment no. 1 of the Nguyen post. Let me refresh your memory:
Sean H. Mill Says:
1. December 18th, 2008 at 9:43 am
I wonder what Chris Prevatt knows about this?
He … has shown tendencies of being a “Janny”.
As for Red County, they are too busy …
attacking good people like Mario Turner to
cover it.
Try and stay focused Sean.
anon teacher,
Sure, he knows a lot about development. He is a highly compensated developer.
He is not a non-profit low paid “advocate” as Councilmember Martinez has suggested.
This is the essence of conflict of interest.
You have some real anger issues. You should really deal with them. For a grown man you sure act like a petulant child.
As far as Mario Turner goes sadly you know nothing more than what you are being spoon fed. You state that, “He is a highly compensated developer.” How do you know that? You don’t!
Despite that fact you continue to speak as if you are the authority on the subject of Mario, his job and his financial situation. Did the pathological one give you all these “facts” or are you making them up as you go?
I am no more making facts than Councilmember Martinez is by suggesting that he works for a non-profit entity.
Have you ever heard of a non-profit developer?
Compared to what non-profit entities are able to compensate their real advocates – I am fairly certain that Mr. Turner would be considered highly compensated.
“For a grown man you sure act like a petulant child.”
You threw the first insult in this post Sean – I responded in kind.
Sean said: “.. you know nothing more than what you are being spoon fed.” … (and) “Did the pathological one give you all these “facts” ..”
I assure you, and the members of your camarilla, that there are no others involved with my objection to placing a developer on the SA Planning Commission.
“AH”…Name calling? Really?
Actually I was not insulting you I was reminding you to stay focused to the subject of the post. You seem to get tunnel vision and then raise that issue in every debate on every subject.
First it was the Renaissance Plan, then Buffalo Wild Wings, then Measure D and now Mario Turner.
The coversations with you go something like this:
Anonymous 1: The weather sure has been cold.
Mike Tardif: It’ll be even colder if Mario Turner is appointed to the Planning Commission.
Anonymous 2: That’s great Mike. Anyway I sure love cold weather at Christmas.
Mike Tardfif: Christmas!!! There will be no Christmas if Mario Turner gets appointed to the Planning Commission.
Anonymous 1: Relax Mike and enjoy the beautiful snow covered mountains.
Anonymous 2: Yah Mike. Have some eggnog and enjoy the blessings of the season. Merry Christmas.
Mike Tardif: You’re an AH…You must be Sean because he is the only one who disagrees with me…EVER…As far as having a “Merry Christmas” goes that is a conflict of interest for Mario Turner. He is a greedy, filthy rich developer…blah…blah…blah
That is pretty funny Sean – really, no sh*t.
Merry Christmas.
BTW – you left out Home Depot on 4th St. @ the RR tracks AND Ware Disposal vs. Logan Barrio.
Perhaps the Moose Lodge on 17th St. @ Wright St. was before your time on the Planning Commission.
What happened with the Moose Lodge?
Again, Mario is not actually a developer, he works for a company that develops housing for low-income residents. Again, he has two children, lives in a two-bedroom house in Santa Ana. Where are you getting this high paid developer stuff from?
anon teacher,
You should let the development company that Mario Turner works for that he is not a developer – because that is what they are paying him for.