Santa Ana’s Usual Suspects strike again!

Why are Santa Ana’s “Usual Suspects” going after Mario Turner, a Park Santiago resident nominated for the Santa Ana Planning Commission?  Thomas Gordon attacked Turner in a truly ridiculous post over at Red County, where he accused Turner of “conflict of interest” because of his job.  He also claimed that Turner cannot handle the post because he previously resigned from the Santa Ana Housing & Redevelopment Commission.

I served with Turner on the Santa Ana Housing & Redevelopment Commission.  I found him to be an honorable and capable man.  And I think I know why the Usual Suspects hate him.  Turner stands up for the working poor.  The Usual Suspects HATE affordable housing – and Turner is a compassionate, thoughtful man who does not bend knee to the bigoted Usual Suspects.

Unfortunately the Santa Ana City Council allowed the Usual Suspects to bully them at tonight’s Council meeting.  Turner’s appointment was pulled by the Councilman who nominated him – David Benavides.  Councilman Carlos Bustamante jumped on the idea of continuing the motion.  Just like that a good man was left twisting in the wind.

Turner is a father of two young boys who are being brought up to be fully bilingual.  That is so cool!  He has a lovely family.  I know he is sacrificing a lot by offering to serve on the Planning Commission.  He does not deserve to be attacked.

It is ironic that the Santa Ana City Council would fail to appoint Turner just as President Elect Barack Obama has announced the appointment of a truly progressive – and effective – affordable housing leader, Shaun Donovan, as his secretary of Housing and Urban Development.  It figures that the Democrats on the Santa Ana City Council would utterly fail to follow suit by backing Turner, who is cut from the same cloth as Donovan.

If I were Turner I would tell the clowns on the Santa Ana City Council to take a flying leap.  The City of Santa Ana does not deserve him.  But at the same time I hope he sticks to his guns.  We need good people like Turner on our city commissions.  Too bad the clowns on the Council, and their rabid attack dogs in the Usual Suspects, don’t understand that.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.