How many ways can Abel Maldonado be wrong for California? The last straw is this vote to increase taxes in California to a historic high. But this legislator has plenty of other problems in his past.
As reported in California Progress report, last year Maldonado ran a shady and illegal “crossfiring” scam on his constituents that aimed to get him on the ballot as both a Democrat AND a Republican. In a classic Soviet Politburo move, hardly able Abel used it to deny Central Coast voters a choice. He was so afraid of an opponent, he was his own second choice!
I dont think I need to say more, BUT!, I will.
Hardly able Abel made headlines for saying legislators shouldnt take per diems, but has taken per diem since July. One figures that was really why he was dragging the vote on the tax increase out so long. It meant more money in his pocket!
And there are some, apparently, who find him worthwhile to defend for no other reason than he is latino. Isn’t that racist?
His non-partisan races will go nowhere. The people who show up to special elections are the core constituencies. It doesn’t work. We were sold 13.5 billion for a bad idea and a man looking to drop his name in the papers.
Then there was his vote last year to outlaw silver mylar balloons in California (SB1499). You know, the ones that say, I had a girl! What cruel heartless SOB would even THINK of such a thing!
Then there’s this quote by Maldonado referring to Obama: “If he wins in November, he will be King Kong,” Can you say RACIST!!!
Then there was his push to go around the state Constitution and assign the power of the minimum wage solely in the hands of the governor. Can you say appetite for corruption?
Not hardly! (sorry channeling my inner John Wayne).
You do know that Maldonado is wealthy? I don’t know why he took the per diem, but he surely doesn’t need it. Neither do most of the Reeps who took it. Van Tran, for example, lives in Northern California, in a Sacramento suburb, but he still takes the per diem!
Maldonado knew full well when he brokered his deal that the open primary would not help him, as it won’t apply until 2012, and then only if the voters pass it.
The issue here is not that Maldonado is a Latino, but rather that many of his critics are taking whacks at him while ignoring the white GOP legislators who also voted for the budget.
And what the Hell do Libertarians have to do with this post? Your title is misleading and way off base.
Libertarians had nothing to do with the budget or with the crafting of our state deficit.
Your party would not be in such a small, minority role if it could appeal to more people. But there is a reason that the GOP in Ca is down to about 30% of voters. The Talibani way is not working, nor will it in the future. It is time to stop picking on Latinos and gays – or you can just go the way of the Whigs.
If the CA GOP continues on this broken path, I can see a day when there will be more Libertarians in California than Republicans.
Sorry Art, but other Legislators didnt attempt to make political capital out of per diems. Hypocrisy of the first order. And the issue to some people is obviously that he is Latino and deserving of vociferous defense!
Lack of action is responsibility of the highest magnitude! That is the Libertarian “joi de vivre!” They will never be more than the useless faction they are today.
Especially if they continue to tolerate the Ba’athi way of minority fascism embraced by Democrats.
Its time to stand up for ordinary people not special groups!
“The issue here is not that Maldonado is a Latino, but rather that many of his critics are taking whacks at him while ignoring the white GOP legislators who also voted for the budget.”
And yet you keep pedaling this ridiculous piece of race baiting. Art, it wasn’t the other GOP members who had a nice lunch with the Gov. and said “I’ll vote for the budget if it includes bringing the open primary issue before the voters”. All the GOP defectors are seen as betraying the party on taxes. But it is Maldonado alone, and the open primary issue alone, that has brought the wrath of Reeps down on him. It has nothing to do with race.
On top of that, it’s not like the other GOP defectors are not experiencing ANY backlash at all.
“Hypocrisy of the first order.”
Would that be like the kind of hypocrisy demonstrated by Talibani right Congressman Ken Calvert (R-Corona)?
You remember Ken right Terry? He’s the darling of the Christian right that got caught in a Corona industrial area with a prostitutes face in his lap.
Ken was one of the biggest opponents of President Obama’s stimulus package and yet was quoted in the Press-Enterprise saying, “All of us in the Inland Empire will do what we can to direct as much money as we can.”
I mean talk about hypocrisy. He vehemently opposes it and yet can’t wait to get his grubby, little immoral hands all over it.
“Sorry Art, but other Legislators didnt attempt to make political capital out of per diems.” Exactly. They lacked Maldonado’s vision.
“Lack of action is responsibility of the highest magnitude!” I am not sure what the heck you even mean by that. The sentence makes no sense.
I agree though that the people should come first. The Talibani Republicans are dominated by special interests.
“Its time to stand up for ordinary people not special groups!”
Is that what you think you are…an ordinary person?
No. What you are is a person who doesn’t like to see America change, to see America get better. You grab on to any vestige of the status quo. For you, America was better in its PAST.
We’re all moving on from the past, Mr. Crowley. It’s really YOU who hates America, who hates what America is becoming.
Hey, you’re always free to leave!
And the Ba’athi leftists and their do-nothing after-party locksteppers only see Special Interests.
Vision? Hypocrisy! Ick, Art. Go ahead, promote this shameless scoundrel.
And what better way to example the man than to show that he liked being represented as a Democrat AND a Republican, but NOT a Libertarian?
Hm. Maybe Maldonado isn’t quite as dumb as he behaves.
Listen to these minority viewpoint fascists try to tell the majority what to think.
I dont defend Ken or anyone else you are using to distract from this shameless con of a legislator Sean.
The fact that ANYONE can defend a man who would run on both sides of a political ticket shows just how corrupt your viewpoints have become. They dont represent any standards or consistency, just “hey he’s one of us!”
Good luck with that you all…
Lack of action is an action in and of itself. Standing by and watching others being victimized makes you part of the crime, doesnt it?
That is the responsibility anyone who tries to hide under the “I’m a Libertarian and its not my responsibility” banner.
What? You thought positioning as a Libertarian I couldnt find a way to attack you?
Having fun now!!!
Wow, I didn’t think your blog could go any lower Art…but by adding this Terry Crowley individual you have truly outdone yourself.
Are you kidding? Crowley is a conservative Reep – like yourself. I would have thought you would be enjoying his work.
Oh well. There is no pleasing the Talibani crowd.
As for sinking, you have the wrong blog in mind. The one that is sinking is Blue County – but you guys at Red County aren’t doing so hot either, judging from your lack of comments. We’re doing just fine, thank you very much.
Art, I could care less which blog is doing better. I can’t believe you still care about that.
As for this new Crowley guy…part of your problem, Pedroza, is that you paint everyone with one thick brush.
I don’t know what’s worst about this Crowley guy: that he has most of his facts wrong, or that he is clearly anti-Latino. Either way, he’s an idiot.
So did you have a talk with Jubal yet as to why he is picking on Maldonado while ignoring the other Reeps who voted for the budget?
I don’t know what’s worst about this Crowley guy: that he has most of his facts wrong, or that he is clearly anti-Latino. Either way, he’s an idiot.
He just represents the FReeper faction well.
Jubal’s beef with Maldonado is 100% different than Terry’s. Jubal disagrees on ideological basis, and he just tends to think that Maldonado made the deciding vote. I disagree with him because I believe all six legislators took the deciding vote, but reasonable people can agree to disagree.
Terry on the other hand, goes on a rant about Latino this, Latino that. Much different.
I love how you people have no idea what you are talking about…