Countdown – When will Jubal tell his readers that John Lewis has endorsed a Democrat?

Day  21

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On February 12, O.C. Register editorial writer Steven Greenhut posted an article on the Orange Punch Blog revealing that former State Senator John Lewis, a supposedly conservative Republican consultant, is backing Democrat Tom Daly instead of either of the two Republicans thought to be running to replace outgoing Supervisor Chris Norby.  One of those Republicans, Fullerton Councilman Shawn Nelson, is a favorite of the county’s conservative establishment.  The other, Anaheim City Councilman Harry Sidhu, also has a following in the OC GOP.  Yet Lewis chose to back County Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly, a Democrat who used to be Mayor of Anaheim.

We wrote about this story on February 14 – and since then Red-faced County blog Editor Matt “Jubal” Cunningham, has posted dozens of comments on our original story, defending Lewis’ decision.  But Jubal has NOT opted to tell his own readers about what Lewis has done.

Why is Jubal keeping his readers in the dark?  Will Jubal’s handlers ever allow him to post this story?  It is now February 17 – five days have passed since Greenhut broke this story.  When will Jubal post this story over at the Red-faced County blog?  The Countdown has begun…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.