The L.A. Times agrees with me that the City of Santa Ana’s locked trash cans are an affront to the poor. The Times addressed this with an editorial in today’s newspaper. Here it is in its entirety:
Santa Ana locks its trash cans
Have we become so hard-hearted that we deny the homeless even our trash?
June 20, 2009
In Santa Ana, the city has agreed to place locks on outdoor recycling bins for a dozen neighbors in the Wilshire Square district. The devices, as Times staff writer Tony Barboza reported, were designed to keep bears out of trash cans in Alaska, but there aren’t any bears in Santa Ana. Nor are the locks intended to thwart native critters such as raccoons, opossums, ravens or coyotes.
Somewhere along the line, the city and the neighbors lost sight of the fact that the scavengers targeted by their locking-bin pilot program aren’t animals at all but a much more vulnerable species — homeless human beings, for whom discarded plastic and glass are a last-resort source of sustenance.
The locks are being tested at the request of residents who lobbied for city protection from the homeless, who were raiding their trash and recycling bins for items with refund value. To be sure, this kind of dumpster diving (or bin burgling) is a nuisance. Residents complain of frightening early morning encounters with homeless men near their driveways or of being awakened at night by barking dogs and the loud clanks of glass bottles.
What’s more, bin burgling can have a small but real cost, which is why it’s considered a crime in most cities. Santa Ana contracts with hauler Waste Management, which profits from the recyclables it collects. The “theft” of these items comes at the expense of the contractor rather than the city, but if the losses are significant, it could result in higher trash rates for residents. Waste Management is covering the expense of the new bins, which might be placed at homes in other parts of the city if the test is successful.
Despite the nuisances, in the grand scheme of things, it’s hard to begrudge homeless men and women the pennies they’re able to collect from discarded recyclables. For the homeowners who toss them away, the redemption value of containers isn’t worth the inconvenience of hauling them to a collection center, yet to the desperately poor they can be a lifeline.
California has been particularly unkind to its homeless population, which swelled after the mid-1960s when the state ended most involuntary incarceration for the mentally ill. Homeless services have never come close to meeting the demand throughout the state, and the current government budget crisis is reducing services even as the recession causes the number of indigent people to soar.
A century or two from now, historians may look back at a society so hardhearted that it sends its misfits to live in the streets and then takes steps to ensure that they can’t even live off its trash, and wonder at the primitiveness of 21st century man.
Didn’t I tell you that Santa Ana would make national headlines as the most insensitive of communities!!!
read below:
Just in Time Says:
June 16th, 2009 at 6:26 pm
This is one topic that I dare not touch…
I will move forward unhinged— we are completely degenerating in this city.
This is a serious matter that calls for ACLU or the NAACP to step in. From what I hear– they are on it already.
Good thing is our city will make national headlines as an insensitive community.
Congrats, you agree with a Marxist rag.
That is ridiculous. The L.A. Times is an award winning newspaper with a long, proud history. I only wish they had the resources to cover Orange County better.
You called it! How sad for our city…
No offense, but really your full of shite!
The La times is in the red, because of the stupid liberal stories it prints, just as the orange country register is!!
American’s who live in Santa Ana, “lock your trash cans up”, it’s your trash and you don’t need abunch of God knows who looking through it!
Maybe we should all go dumpster diving in Arts trash. NEVER KNOW WHAT WE COULD GET:)
When will Santa Ana elected officials stop allowing the Gestapo to run the City?
Santa Ana needs to call on INS to do it job.
You live in a large intestine and blast out of a colon.
Depending on where you land– either flies decorate you, or crustaceans feed on you.
Your acronym stands for:
Sorry Hateful Insensitive Twirp!!!
You said: That is ridiculous. The L.A. Times is an award winning newspaper with a long, proud history.
Sounds like you’re talking about Pravda. There is one more soon-to-be similarity . . . Soon the LAT will also be out of business.
And as for “award winning” – I guess if awards are given by people of the same philosophical bent as the people who write for the LAT, I find your point to be meaningless. I read the LAT every day, but I can distill news from opinion – the LAT, however, preys on those who don’t understand that distinction. Just so you know I am an equal opportunity offender, that is the same problem that Fox suffers.
BTW, You still haven’t responded to me points # 22 to your post on the 18th. I guess they made too much sense to refute. Admission by silnce . . .
One could argue that the LA Times is in the red because of George Bush and Dick Cheneys rape of America.
The aurguement might go like this: They are seated in an election not by the populous, but by the Supreme Court.
In an effort to repay the oil companies who own them, they look the other way while gasoline prices push the country to the brink of depression but, certainly recession. Allthe while breaking the unwritten “agreement between detroit and Houston to keep EV’s off the street and keep producing large gas guzzling SUV’s.
When Detroit can’t survive selling trucks in a $5.00 per gallon enviornment they begin to collapse, taking the hated unions with them.
how does the LA TIMES fit in?
Co-op advertising the staple of dealership marketing dries up and thus, the orders for Ad’s shrink and eventually disapear. At the sametime the propped up real estate market collapses, taking with it another significant source of ad revenue.
As far fetched as this sounds, it could in fact be argued, perhaps better than you Marxist editorial content comment.
2, 6 and 10,
You guys are nuts. Newspapers aren’t in decline because of their political bent. They’re in decline, almost universally, because of new forms of media and the decline of advertising revenue…particularly classified advertising.
Would you care to explain to us how any of that has ANYTHING to do with the political bent of a paper if it’s happening to virtually ALL of them…liberal leaning as well as conservative leaning?
Indeed. The two main newspaper financial sources, advertising, has moved to online sites, and classifieds have moved to Craigslist.
Anybody bashing the political bent of any paper only shows that they are stuck in the last century. They need to enter the real world for a change. They then may notice in horror that most of the world’s websites, including this blog, run on the Apache webserver, which was developed by a “collective” working for free, and is Open Source, something that nobody less than Bill Gates once mis-characterized as “communist”… Never mind that they used Open Source in some areas in Windows… Gates later changed his opinion, and Microsoft nowadays releases some of their own programs as Open Source. It doesn’t make them communists, just as the LA Times is of course not marxist.
But I am sure guys like #2 will continue to throw around words they don’t understand. That’s how these close-minded, stuck-in-the=-past people are.
I am sorry I confused you with #2.
YOU DID NOT make the silly Marxist comment. My mistake.
From the grave (or Switzerland) Ken Lay can admit when he’s wrong. Especially when he does’nt have to serve time or give up too many millions!
#8: There is no INS, and hasn’t been for years.
As usual, the anti-immigrants are behind the times, as they are with everything.
It is called ICE,(Immigration Custom Enforcement)and really the do need to do their jobs, Santa Ana is the largest illegal immigrant city in the Orange County and it is a disaster!
Does it not trouble anyone that the city surrounds federal and state building’s??
Joe, I am an immigrant, their is a difference between an immigrant and an illegal Alien. Illegal Alien’s are breaking American laws.
“I think it is you sir that is behind the time’s”.
Ken, One could argue that the paper’s (LA times and OC register) is going under because people now get their new’s from the internet and TV. But one could also say that it is largely because of their awful reporting of the new’s with liberal bias. Just look at the rating of NBC,CBS. Americans are not stupid and will not listen or read crap!
by the way i love the way you write:)
Anon, on the other hand you do my head in, I bet you go around wearing tie dye teeshirts with “liberal and loving it” you really are such a fruit and that has nothing to do with being gay!:)
Choc hospital is one of the OC register largest advertisers. So why do you think the OC register never says a bad word about Illegal Aliens in Orange County??
take a quess go on!!!
Choc hospital make’s million from their Clinic’s and hospital with Caloptima insurance (otherwords medical)!! for the Underserved and Vunerable of us in orange county (that is their Script other words Illegal’s from Mexico)And you don’t think the American People don’t know that! And do you not think they are fedup with their own Supervisor’s and their local newpaper taking them for idiots????
“Choc hospital is one of the OC register largest advertisers. So why do you think the OC register never says a bad word about Illegal Aliens in Orange County”
Because they are not the problem. We, “Americans”, give them work and pay them poverty wages. “Americans” are the demand, illegal-immigrants are the supply. In other words it is business.
You keep barking up the wrong tree. You do so because it is safe for you as they can’t defend themselves. Attack your neighbors – they are responsible.
Why does the media not say a bad word about us that hire and pay poverty wages? Is it because the LA times is liberal?????? Or is it because every objective person including our lawmakers understand illegal immigrants are objects for economic manipulation while ignoring that this manipulation creates the poverty that produces urban social problems.
“Does it not trouble anyone that the city surrounds federal and state building’s??”
What should we be worried about????
“Santa Ana is the largest illegal immigrant city in the Orange County and it is a disaster!”
Anaheim is probably the same in number. Anaheim is not a disaster.
So, illegal-immigrants can’t be the problem. Do you think maybe city management has something to do with it??????? Santa Ana government is not controlled by Hispanics or illegal- immigrants – FYI.
Art, Again my fravorite Doc. you are full of shite, I say it with lol, because i am not a hater.
I do believe we should have a guest worker program. It would knock out all the scumbags that pay these people lower wages than Amercians, then expect Americans to pay for their healthcare. And yes most who make alot of money of illegal immigrants are white and American born Mexian immigrants ie. Coalition of Community Clinics head is American with Mexican parents. Look at the script of orange county Non-profits the “Underserved and vunerable” these words make non-profits a mint!! Coalition of community clinics,bridges, Choc hospital, Choc clinics, latina access, ect…. And really are you joking Anaheim is a pit, right behind Santa Ana. Loads of Crime and a disgusting school system.
I worked at Anaheim General(can any nurse say OOOOOOOOOOOOO crap)
Santa Ana is run by Mexican American’s that are corrupt, just like their white counter parts The Orange County Supervisor’s.(all republican’s)
Mexicans are brilliant people, but need to repect the country they just sneaked into!
No more babies if you cant afford them!
Learn bloody English, I’m learning Spanish. If i can do it so can you!
No more entiltements, why should you get health care for your kids, while i pay?
Stop hating American’s they are the one’s that give you a job!
Your Govenerment in Mexico sucks, stop flying the Mexican flag as protest against the fact that you had to leave your country to come here!
And if your Mexican and hate American’s go home and make your country better!
Yes Art, Mexican illegal immigrants are a real problem, they give the governemt of orange county/California a reason to grow! -FYI.
Nite Nite Doc!
“And yes most who make alot of money of illegal immigrants are white and American born Mexian immigrants ie. Coalition of Community Clinics head is American with Mexican parents.”
You have your head so far up your ass that their is no room for shit in you.
Again, Mexican immigrants do not make the programs. Again, you are barking up the wrong tree.
Where and from what Mexicans do you here we hate America. We all love it so much that we choose it as our home.
You are so incredibly ignorant about Mexicans that you so are perceived as an idiot.
How do you know that corrupt Mexicans run Santa Ana. If you do please name them.
The City Manager, Mayor, COMLINK, Police Union,Fireman’s Union,City Employee Unions, and outside businesses and development interest groups run Santa Ana – not corrupt Mexican Americans. Your hate of Mexicans is incredible!
Far right Republicans support this system because it creates blight that gets blamed on the Hispanics which you use to further your agenda on illegal immigrants for political manipulation.
Everything you say is baseless and full of bigotry.
“Mexicans are brilliant people, but need to repect the country they just sneaked into!”
Mexican Illegal immigrants make up a small % of the Mexicans in the USA.
Many undocumented Mexicans arrive to the USA through employer sponsored government permission to provide the labor for industries like Dairy,Agriculture,Meat ,Hotel and restaurant. Many stay after work is no longer available or are fired when they complain of unfair employment treatment. There are no employer-government checks and balances made available so human social problems are created.
To find a solution to a problem you first need to identify the origin of that problem. The origin of your concerns is not illegal immigrants.
Concentrate on immigration reform and stay away from your rants on Mexicans – that approach is stupid and tired.
Avoiding the origin in this discussion indicates you have no interests in a solution and only are interested in spewing your hate.
“And if your Mexican and hate American’s go home and make your country better!”
Mexicans do not hate America. I believe what you are really saying is – Mexicans, do not come to America because you want a better life. Fix your country and stay away from here.
“And really are you joking Anaheim is a pit, right behind Santa Ana. Loads of Crime and a disgusting school system.”
It is very clear that any city with Mexicans to you is a pit. You far right guys are really scary.
I do not believe your issue is just with Mexican illegal immigrants. You have a problem with Mexicans.
1. “Santa Ana is run by Mexican American’s that are corrupt”
2. “And yes most who make alot of money of illegal immigrants are white and American born Mexian immigrants ie. Coalition of Community Clinics head is American with Mexican parents.”
So why didn’t you stay in Ireland and make it better instead of wanting a better life here than what you had in Ireland.
O Dr. Medical are you not one of those mexican American’s making alot of money off illegal Alien’s. I would say yes!
Baseless O really:
1, Santa Ana is the largest illegal Alien population in Orange County hightest crime,rape,incest, gangs, ect…….
2. Santa Ana school district All except one school the orange county school of the Arts has an API score greater than 2.
3. If you are white or any other race, it is not a good idea to go into Santa Ana at night because of the Gangs! i wounder if the Mexicans would have the same problem going into a white, Asian populated area??
4. the Largest group on people on welfare in California are Mexican’s (Illegal Alien’s who have had children)
5. Mexicans in Mexico showed their true racisim and bigorty in Mexico when the booed at Miss America simpley because she was American.
The truth about Mexian illegal Alien’s is not a pretty one, i agree!
Do I have a problem with Mexican’s sneeking into this country YES! because their are people waiting in line to do it legally.
Am i far right? I think the Republicans and Dem’s are the same party, So i think you are full of crap with the far right bull, you did not mention the fact that i want a quest worker program, that would knock out Medical frauds like you Dr. making money off the American folks who come in all colors.
And why did i leave Ireland, because i knew i belonged in America and have worked and stived for the best in this country, and never have taken a dime off the system, but have put into it!
Yes Dr. Americans and Legal Americans want’s Mexico to stop helping people over the boarder with maps and water so they dont take responsiblity for their own people.
No legal immigrants and Amercian’s do not hate Mexican’s, but dont want to be burdened with them either, its hard enough trying to provide for are own families.
I suppose Dr.L if I was you, i might have a different opinion since you do make a nice living off Illegal’s.
You Dr. as well as republican’s, Non-profits, Dem’s, corrupt business,s have a vested interest in keeping illegal’s in this country for two reason’s “they are a great source for cheap labor and tax dollar’s”.
Saulte Dr.Medical!
sorry “our own familie’s”.:)
Ms. Quinn – Your penchant for graffiting your stupidity continues to amaze me. The Los Angeles Times has won numerous Pultizer Prizes and their financial solvency has nothing to do with the quality of their journalism.
“Ms. Quinn – Your penchant for graffiting your stupidity continues to amaze me.”
AMEN brother!!!!
It is amazing she has no problem sharing her stupidity with us all.
I welcome her opinions because further commentary from her is irrelevant to any discussuion. As anyone can see her fixation is not in solving but to attack and accuse in a irresponsible ignorant manner.
It is obvious M Quinn is passionate about Mexicans, she barely mentions the subject wich is trash diving. It doesn’t matter how often she states she does not hate us, even if she screamed a los cuatro vientos, it still would not make this true. Her words reveal she hates Mexicans, and who cares what she thinks, her words also reveal how dumb she is. como dice la cancion, no so menedita de oro, pa caerle bien a todos. We should be celebrating the diversity of California. We have the best of everything at our door step thanks to the variety of cultures that are represented by the people. I love it, where else can you go to have authentic food from cultures all over the world – I mean real authentic food, what about the art, what about the values, what about the languages?
By the way, not all illegal immigrants are from mi querido Mexico.
Your right Oro not all illegal,s are from Mexico, but in California/Orange County the problems that we are having with Mexico’s exiles is a big one. Gang,s Crime, Drugs, Drug violence, Under aged pregnancies, welfare fraud, high school drop out,single parents, parent lack of envolvement in their childrens education, ethnic violence aganist African Americans, AND YES DUMPSTER DIVING ect……… And the Government using Illegal’s from mexico to grow their Social Service Programs here in orange county ( caloptima,Cap grant,CALWORKS,HEALTHY FAMILIES,)
You should care “my wee Mexican pain in the Arsh” what i think, more than half of this country thinks the same way!! We have over 20% of Mexico’s people here, a great # of them are Illegal with no work visa,no money,no health insurance and no respect for American laws. Hating is a waste of energy!
Do i think you and Dr.Medical are arrogant twit’s that most likely make money off Mexican illegals YES! (well i know the Good Dr. Does)
Do i care what you think, because you can write in your native lanaguage NO!!!! But it is kind of cool:)
If your posting this from Mexico do me a favour tell Caldron to take care of his own bloody poor and stop lumping them on American’s and Other Immigrants.
And your right America is the land of immigrants who have worked and strive for the best and who have built this country in to the Nation that it is full of culture,Art, and languages.
However this Nation of Immigrants will not be burderned by Mexico’s incompedent Government no longer!
So bring it on Missy! I’m not afraid to stand up for what is right, and letting American’s know that it is ok to tell the truth “Mexican’s don’t bite”‘!
Anonymous, My Irish heart breaks, i thought we were nearing the cosy stage:) Really mate! THE PULTIZER PRIZE.Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:)
Nite Nite:)
By the way if anyone does not know what the Pultizer Prize has become “its the liberal media,pat on the back”, just a tich bias!
Just like the Noble Price Prize Al Gore won it with his Global Warming Con over a 1940 war hero, how as a woman was tortured (broke her legs,tore out her nails ect……) by the Natzis.
yeah mate the pultizer is a joke!
Peace prize, sorry i’m tired fighting the American revolution”)
I got a little thing going for you’re writing too. Mostly for your firey Irish nature…….But, I digress.
You are not wrong about healthcare in the Central Orange County area being comprised by illegal immigrants.
I have watched this evolve for years and the one thing that is certain is bashing Mexicans won’t work. Convincing them that the emergency room is not the place to go if you have the flu IS.
Soon we are going to end up with Physicians at Wal-Mart (we already have perscription writing nurse practicioners). Be careful what you wish for.
I must agree, that i have way too much fun on this site. But i take this issue of our Supervisors using Taxpayer dollars to fund programs ie. CaliforniaKids Program, which give.s free health insurance to illegal Aliens that cannot qualifiy for Medical. Why do you think Caloptima was created???
Choc Hospital was going under in the late 90s until the Supervisors started caloptima. Now their CFO Kim Cripe makes over 1.2 million a year.
We Ken are not responsible for Mexico or its people. If they have health care issue, then they need to seek care at a Mexican Health Care Clinic.
This really is a corruption issue a RICO issue.
Dr. Medical is just one of thousands that make,s money off the back’s of the American taxpayer. If he and all the other so called Mexican Activist’s really cared about Mexico’s poor. then why are they not out raged at the shanty towns just over the boarder. SIMPLY KEN, ITS NOT A MONEY MAKER!
Michelle (miss bigot),
You don’t get tired of the same blah, blah , blah bashing.
The fact is that private, public and academic study groups on illegal immigrants conclude that, considering issues like those that concern you, the illegal immigrants contribute more positives than the negatives that are attributed to them.
Google it don’t take my word for it. Your comments are ignorant opinions and nothing more.
“Your right Oro not all illegal,s are from Mexico, “but in California/Orange County the problems that we are having with Mexico’s exiles is a big one. Gang,s Crime, Drugs, Drug violence, Under aged pregnancies, welfare fraud, high school drop out,single parents, parent lack of envolvement in their childrens education, ethnic violence aganist African Americans, AND YES DUMPSTER DIVING ect……… And the Government using Illegal’s from mexico to grow their Social Service Programs here in orange county ( caloptima,Cap grant,CALWORKS,HEALTHY FAMILIES,)”
All of the above is part of society in general. It is not particular to illegals. Again your ignorance.
“Do i think you and Dr.Medical are arrogant twit’s that most likely make money off Mexican illegals YES! (well i know the Good Dr. Does)”
How do you know this? You are just one big stupid twit that makes things up.
“However this Nation of Immigrants will not be burderned by Mexico’s incompedent Government no longer!”
Mexico is not responsible for illegal immigrants in the USA, we are. American residents give them work. They are here for that reason. YOU ARE BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE.
“However this Nation of Immigrants will not be burderned by Mexico’s incompedent Government no longer!”
The problem is our government, business community and Americans using that labor market. YOU ARE BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE.
#25 said, ” not all illegal immigrants are from Mexico. Do you have a problem comprehending what you read?
“And your right America is the land of immigrants who have worked and strive for the best and who have built this country in to the Nation that it is full of culture,Art, and languages.”
If you Google the findings of the study groups on illegal immigration you will find that this is exactly their conclusion of the illegal immigrants in the USA.
“If your posting this from Mexico do me a favour tell Caldron to take care of his own bloody poor and stop lumping them on American’s and Other Immigrants.”
Americans and other immigrants lump them on ourselves. WE use this labor force.
I guess we value their labor and work ethic!!!!!
“Do i care what you think, because you can write in your native lanaguage NO!!!! But it is kind of cool:)”
So you only care about people’s thoughts and issues only if it is written in English?????????
“You should care “my wee Mexican pain in the Arsh” what i think, more than half of this country thinks the same way!! We have over 20% of Mexico’s people here, a great # of them are Illegal with no work visa,no money,no health insurance and no respect for American laws. Hating is a waste of energy!”
My wee bigot pain in the ass. What you believe is what the far right Republicans believe. Recent polls say that of those polled 29% identify themselves as Republican. A smaller % of those 29% are far right. Over half of the country then does not believe what you believe.
In the last November election illegal immigration was dropped by Republicans as a campaign issue because lack of voter interest.
Yes miss bigot- bring it on, I am not afraid to stand up and confront your ignorant rants.
Ms. Quinn –
At least your consistent in telegraphing your ignorance. It’s unclear why you perceive the Pulitzer Prize to be a joke.
The Times most recent Pulitzer was awarded “for their fresh and painstaking exploration into the cost and effectiveness of attempts to combat the growing menace of wildfires across the western United States.”
As a native Californian I found this series to be timely, pertinent and informative since California is plagued with wildfires and the soaring costs to combat them. I’m unclear why recognizing oustanding, investigative journalistic endeavors, such as this, is considered a joke by you.
It’s a sad commentary when any individual rejects knowledge that impacts their daily life.
Need you say more! This state is in crisis, we have a massive immigration problem, Schools are a disaster and the LA TIMES WINS BECAUSE OF THE INDEPT LOOK AT WILDFIRE’S. LET THE FRIGGIN FIRE DEPARMENT DO THAT. THATS WHAT WE PAY THEM FOR!!
Understand this: It is a felony to cross into mexico without documentation! THOSE BIGOTS! or is it just common sense on their part, If they don’t know who is entering their country, then they might get a murderous thug, just like the gang member\illegal Alien who murdered a father and his two sons in SF!
As i wrote before, i am not the child (Michelle) you bullied in a lecture hall!
I know Dr. you make your money from the state and federal taxes, so you have a vested interest in keeping and encouraging Illegal Immigration. Million’s of people are waiting in line to enter this country!
Really Doctor, if you truly are an American, you should be ashamed of yourself!
Cheers Doc!
Michelle(miss bigot),
Now you are rambling. I have no idea what your point is here.
I make my money the same way you do. I provide a service to the public. I do not accept medical patients. Therefore how Would I have vested interest?
You post stupid made up accusations.
I nor others advocate illegal immigration. Our comments are based on fair play and to confront ignorant Mexican bashing rants.
Keep ranting and I will respond.
It is rude to speak/write in a lauguage that a person does not speak or is able to read. Most likely she was calling me a Fu#$@&^ Bas%$#@.
O Dr. but you make your money not off immigrants or Americans, but off illegal immigrants using Medical, healhty smiles, money! STOP TELLING FIBS DOC!
And you absolutely are pro-illegal. You sir do have a vest interest in it!
Their is no one in this county that is against legal immigration because it brings us the cream of the crop and encludes Mexican immigrants. You Dr. are just full of crap, that most Americans and legal immigrants can smell a mile away, it has nothing to do with you eatting bean’s!!!
And where does the Fire Dept. get the money to fight these wildfires? Smokey the Bear?
It has been reported that catastrophic wildfires is one of the greatest risks facing California since we’ve been deprived of rainfall. And the burgeoning budget crisis could put a hamper on the $437 million budget targeted for fighting CA wildfires.
Here’s a statsitic that will piss you off … witin 10 years one in five persons in the U.S will have Hispanic blood. That’s what really irks people like you. And there’s nothing you can do. And if you were observant, you’d fully understand why Gingrich back peddaled in calling Justice Sotomayaor a racist. It’s all about the voting Hispanic block in four years. Hispanic voters have made the greatest gains in voting and it will only swell as the years pass.
Keep ranting and raving, that’s your First Right Amendment. Unfortunately, stupidity isn’t against the law or you’d be locked up decades.
You make up crap irresponsibly. Let me say it again. I DO NOT ACCEPT MEDICAL IN MY PRACTICE. i AM NOT PRO-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.
Please get that through your thick ignorant bigot head.
“And you absolutely are pro-illegal. You sir do have a vest interest in it!
Their is no one in this county that is against legal immigration because it brings us the cream of the crop and encludes Mexican immigrants. You Dr. are just full of crap, that most Americans and legal immigrants can smell a mile away, it has nothing to do with you eatting bean’s!!!”
I can not respond to this as I have no idea what you are saying. Your putrid brain is getting taxed- a short circiut is occuring.
I believe you are a legal immigrant and you certainly are not the cream of the crop.
“It is rude to speak/write in a lauguage that a person does not speak or is able to read. Most likely she was calling me a Fu#$@&^ Bas%$#@.
This blog is for public consumption. Many of us read Spanish. The world does not revolve around you.
The one that lacks manners is you missy.
I own my own business, built my own home and give to charity on a regular basis DOCTOR! I may not have gotten a tax payer free education like you did in Liberal hole SF. But I am what makes a country great. Sprit,ethic’s and grit!
the post was directed to me and i don’t speak or read spanish Sorry, i would like to learn.
But i think it is rude to post to someone with words in a language they most likely they would not understand!
And your the educated one??? Your lack of manners shows that you DR, are the Ignorant one!
And my skull is not thick, Do you not teach biology?? Women do not have think skull’s!
I am not going on about the smell thing, it is getting old!!
I pee you off Dr. because you don’t like white people much, do you??. That is why you reamed a kid with an opinion, teaching her that she no longer has the right to free speech, and if she does speak her mind bigots like yourself Doc with rip her to pieces. I find your name calling child like and amusing.
Great, that means, my grandkids will beable to go out in the sun and my catholic faith will live on:)
And really, come up with some juicy name’s, the stupid,bad speller, smelly,ect… its getting old!
Also take a chill pill you’ll give yourselves a heart attack! I LOVE YOU OK!
I am quite the little spreader!
Ok lads, had fun!
“I own my own business, built my own home and give to charity on a regular basis DOCTOR! I may not have gotten a tax payer free education like you did in Liberal hole SF. But I am what makes a country great. Sprit,ethic’s and grit!”
Who cares this is garbage. You pat your self on your back while bashing others. That is ethics? huh??
“And my skull is not thick, Do you not teach biology?? Women do not have think skull’s!”
OK, so you have a thin skull. You are still a ignorant bigot.
“I pee you off Dr. because you don’t like white people much, do you??. That is why you reamed a kid with an opinion, teaching her that she no longer has the right to free speech, and if she does speak her mind bigots like yourself Doc with rip her to pieces. I find your name calling child like and amusing.”
I don’t now what this is about except that I like you and you are white. If you find name calling child like and amusing then stop doing it!!!!
Nite Nite Michelle
Quinn –
You’re a riot. I look forward to reading the WSJ and your posts every morning. Thanks for the entertainment. Hooray for Hollywood!
I thought this article was about a quality of life issue, which is people going thru the citys recyclables at all hours of the night and day to make some money.Its still a crime, whoever does it, whilte,black,brown, or whoever. Were trying to come up with a solution for this problem in our neighborhood, San Fernando Valley, specifically Van Nuys Sherman Oaks, and havent yet.So far there have been short range goals that do little to stop or even curtail the problem. The police city/lapd dont have the resourses to make arrests, nor do they have the will to do anything about the problem. So until we as citizens and ativists have to do it for them. Thats going to start next month in June.