Carlos Bustamante should not be promoted to head the County Planning department

Adios Carlos!

UPDATE: Orange County Planning Commissioner says Bustamante is NOT qualified to head the O.C. Planning Department!

“Tim Neely, the county’s director of planning, is retiring and word is Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante is the heir apparent to succeed him. Carlos is currently the director of administration for the OC Public Works Department. Congrats to Carlos on the likely promotion,” according to Matt/Jubal Cunningham over at the Red-faced County blog.

I find it hard to believe that ANYONE would think that Bustamante is a good choice to head the O.C. Planning Department.  Of course Matt has been shilling for him for years, so this is part for the course.

How ridiculous is the notion of putting Bustamante in charge of anything?  Let’s count the ways…

  • Bustamante was compelled to quit two state commissions after his infamous “water bra” comments.  Click here to read about his utter humiliation (L.A. Times).
  • Bustamante has taken money, thousands of dollars, from developers, then voted on projects involving those same developers (OC Weekly).
  • Bustamante is a director of the Santa Ana Business Bank, which has seen its share value plummet from $10 to $4 in less than two years (NASDAQ).
  • Bustamante has violated the Santa Ana Code of Ethics on numerous occasions (Orange Juice).
  • Bustamante famously compared himself to Forrest Gump at a fundraiser chaired by Miguel Pulido and Curt Pringle.  Click here to read about that fiasco.
  • You can find out a lot more about this guy by reading “Who is Carlos Bustamante?
  • You can also access dozens of articles we have published about Bustamante at this link.

At the very least, it is ridiculous to put Bustamante in charge of planning when you consider how much money he has received from developers and county contractors over the years.  This is a massive conflict of interest and a complete abomination!  But it is exactly what I would expect from our lame County administrators.  They also thought it was a great idea to remodel the Supervisors’ lobby while announcing layoffs of County workers…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.