The Santa Ana “City Council voted this week to relax the ban on new massage parlors. But council members also adopted new restrictions designed to give the city a greater say over the location and operation of massage parlors,” according to the O.C. Register.
The obvious question is why didn’t the City of Santa Ana do this in the first place – particularly when a similar program has been working quite well in the neighboring City of Orange for some time?
Is it just me or is it generally amateur hour at the Santa Ana City Hall?
“New parlors can only open in commercial areas, cannot be within 1,000 feet of other massage parlors or adult businesses and cannot stay open later than 10 p.m. Massage technicians will need either a city or a state license; and to get a city license, they’ll have to pass a city-sponsored test.”
Of course now that the City of Santa Ana has ended their ban on massage parlors, no one has the money to open any new massage parlors…
But a new “Massage Envy” franchise just opened north of the City Place – in the City of Orange, naturally. Let’s see if anyone tries to open up shop in crime-ridden Santa Ana…
Only you would consider it a success for a city to have massage parlors popping up like mushrooms.
And you are supposed to be a free marketer?
The irony is that YOUR City of Orange has been doing this for awhile…
Maybe you need a massage Matt. You’re a bit tense…
That’s just what SA needs, massage parlors. Gee, wish I could afford the luxury.
We’re paying the price of an ordinance change engineered by a former councilmember.
And this has nothing to do with being a free marketeer. Supporting free enterprise doesn’t mean absolutely anything goes.
You’re in no position to be giving free market lectures.
So the biggest threats in your universe are Mexicans, gays and massage parlors?
Let me explain something that you as an elitist don’t get.
A lot of working folks don’t have insurance. And many of them end up sore from the hard work they do. In many cases they get hurt working but their employers fail to process the injuries as workers comp cases.
So yes, many of these working men save up money so they can get a massage once in awhile. So they can feel better, at least for a time.
Why in the Hell would you be so opposed to that?
Especially given that you were Mike Carona’s biggest supporter…if you are concerned about “Happy Endings” how did you look the other way when Carona was banging everything in sight?
Or what about your boy Urell covering up for pederasts?
Never mind the poor saps getting “Happy Endings”…Your pals are the biggest pervs in town!
Maybe you missed the story last year about several of them getting busted for prostitution, human trafficking, etc.
But hey, you go on being OC’s number one cheerleader for massage parlors!
Yes – that is why Orange and Santa Ana are controlling their massage parlors with local ordinances.
Orange already had a local ordinance when the raids took place. Now there’s a bunch of them in our town, and the city has to spend scarce resources dealing with them.
Why don’t you appoint yourself Santa Ana’s ambassador of good will to massage parlors, and try to convince Orange’s massage parlors to relocate to your part of Santa Ana? I’m sure you’d find that gratifying.
“appoint yourself Santa Ana’s ambassador of good will to massage parlors”
I hear your pal Mike Carona is looking work, maybe he and “The Little Sheriff” could apply. A good moral Christian Republican like him would do a bang up job.
You still have him on speed dial right Matt?
I was wondering when Angry Man would show up, armed with his limited intellectual arsenal of non-sequiturs and insults.
I am not angry one bit. Just because your pals turned out to be scumbags like Carona or pedophile enablers like Urell you don’t have to take it out on the rest of us.
You should take Urell’s pals to visit those massage parlors in Orange, maybe then they would leave the children alone.
You sure shill for some real winners there Jubal.
Is your Reep pal Nielsen out of the joint for raping children yet? You should have him blog about his experience in the big house. It could be a kind of scared straight for the Pedo-priests that Urell covered for.
Noooo, you’re not angry. Not one bit.
But you do provide lots of great ammo for when you run for Santa Ana city council.
But it is amazing and amusing to read all the things you and Art think you know about me and others you dislike. You and Art and some of your playmates here are like an echo chamber of mutually reinforcing ignorance.
I am not running for anything. Where did you hear that rumor?
However I am quite sure that most of the folks in Santa Ana find your friends pretty despicable too. The majority of our residents are Catholic, as am I, and the stain left on their beloved church by the sick people your pal covered for disgusts them.
Any person who reads the OC Register Sport section or the massage parlors listing in the OC Weekly knows that Orange City earns the title of the Happiest Happy endings City in the OC.
I visit many sports parks in Orange and enjoy many dining places there as well and alot of these places are just off Tustin Ave. It’s like every 100rd yard there’s a Massage sign. There right next door to my hair stylists(SuperCuts) and she tells me that only men go into that establishment. I really doubtmore than 5% of these places are legitimate. But to each his own, I like to believe.
Also, I doubt the resposibility lies on one former counicilmember since it takes much more city members to engineer a less restricting, pro-massage parlor legislation. Then, is there some thing that is holding current councilmembers from clamping down on these places.
Perhaps it is that the market forces that keeps these places alive. That is the users of these sinful services are in positions to maintain these types of establishments or influence those at the council level to allow these places to exist and thrive.
Comparing the the policing force and city legislation that the city showed the day labors solicatators and their propective employers why then would it be unreasonable to conclude that Prostitution services are welcome in the City of Orange and Day Labors services are un-welcome.
I don’t understand it but it could it be that Orange is the sin-sex capital of Orange. After all they do hold Nudist New Years ball, that was in the OC Register, they had the one Swingers Nude Club that the OC Weekly wrote up a piece about and now they are the leading the OC in massge parlors.
But, the next major explosion is going to be in the Medicinal marijuana industry, Everybody wants to set up a collective and will have them around taking over shops formerly housing Starbucks
You are such the pseudointellectual. You blather on about the ignorance of others in what can only be described as a classic case of projection.
Your constant critique of the blogging of Art and myself is quite laughable. At least I know what it feels like to have a backbone and I don’t spend my day slithering around doing the bidding of my “sugar daddies”.
You are not a blogger you are a shill. You stand for your principles only when it serves to benefit those for whom you shill. I notice you still haven’t mentioned a word about your boy Lewis backing a Dem. This only goes to demonstrate what a complete hypocrite you are.
Now back to the subject of this post. I find it laughable that someone like you feels that it is necessary for government to legislate the community’s morality in regards to massage parlors.
Before you start legislating our morality why don’t you start with your friends? When can we expect to read about what a despicable immoral piece of garbage Mike Carona was on Red County?
Will you ever chastise your boy Urell on OC Blog for his actions regarding the pedo-priests?
You like to pass judgement on Art and myself. Well take a look in the mirror. Your principles and standards are bought and paid for and you shill for some real slimy characters.
Put that on a hit piece Jubal!!
It is strange that a Republican city like Orange has so many massage parlors, but then consider this excerpt from a news story that broke this week:
“More subscribers to online pornography live in traditionally conservative red states than blue states, according to a study published last week in the American Economic Association’s Journal of Economic Perspectives.”
Read the rest of this post at this link:
It would appear that Republicans are rather horny…
Good thing you’re running such a ho-hum, irrelevatnt Blog, Art. I’ve seen Jerbal posting at the crack of dawn this week and I’ve seen his 11 pm posts just last night. If you make it any more exciting, he looks to be just a hair away from obsessive posting 24/7.
Maybe OJ posters could take turns making mercy posts over at the Red Co. so that Jerbal could feel like he has some company on his home turf. 😉 It’s pathetically quiet over there. The stories he posts are like chloroform and that’s probably why he hangs around OJ in between little naps.
BTW: Nice numbers again this week, Art, according to sitemeter. Some great stories generated, too. Nice work.
Matt Cunningham supports pedophile enablers.
“Maybe you missed the story last year about several of them getting busted for prostitution, human trafficking, etc.”
And many, many crimes were committed by people using guns. But remember Jubal, massage parlors don’t commit prostitution, people do.
Yes, David. But massage parlors aren’t protected under the 2nd Amendment.
At least we know where the pro-massage parlor lobby in the OC blogosphere resides.
It’s pathetically quiet over there.
Again, maybe you haven’t learned how to use your computer mouse. A few clicks and you would be able to see the comments, and maybe even post one yourself.
Or maybe you know that already, but enjoy the Pedroza-esque past time of continually repeating things you know to be untrue.
One more thing, David: Guns are inanimate objects. Massage parlors or human organizations. In case that one got by you.
Jube, as I’ve always said scratch a “conservative” hit an authoritarian. There are lots of legitimate massage places run by professionals; the pratice of massage is not inherently evil – just we would both argue that an inanimate object, like a gun, has no inherent moral quality at all. But real bad things happen by people who use guns. You don’t outlaw guns; you don’t outlaw legitimate behavior that some people abuse.
I find it very interesting that suddenly you make a distiction about rights described in the Constitution. Conservatives – at least the libertarian “freedom-loving” sort tend to grant the greateast, not the narrowest interpretation of freedom.
In case that one got by you: do you stand for freedom or not?
And the question is purely rhetorical.
“scratch a “conservative” hit an authoritarian.”
Or, more recently, release some DOJ memos, reveal an authoritarian.
It’s a shame that many people hear the word “massage” and it immediately projects a sleezy image in peoples minds. massage parlours and massage therapists are 2 completely different things
Any masseuse offering a Diet Coke has me!
All of a sudden Jubal is concerned about humans.
That was especially apparent in his and his wifes supression of others civil rights.
Art is waiting for Matt to talk about Lewis, I am waiting for Matt to grow some balls and stand up against the rapist priests & protectors or about the corrupt Sherrif, and in a long shot a President who we now know trampled on the constitiution to further his own agenda.
All my rant is useless, because Jubal is a joke, a shill for the self serving GOP.
Massage parlors are all about “male health” Kind of.
Comments located at OCWEEKLY blog, in January.
Hey Jubal,
Get a life. You only support things that help you and your corrupt friends line your pockets. Why don’t you admit that you hate the fact that there are any hispanics in Orange County. If you are worried about pervs, look in your own backyard.
They have healthy smiles.. ect… why not have healthy pee pees paid by the tax payer. its a must says the the massage parlor queens!
At least there will be less welfare recipients trying to get their healthy pee pee fix at the Santa Ana park!
Maybe you should get rear-ended by some moron talking on the phone while driving 80 mph and you would change your tune on massages. My back is so bad that I have been out of work for 4 1/2 years and am on full disability awaiting spinal surgery. I have to sleep in a chair and I can only afford a massage every 3 to 4 months or so. Get your head out of yer arse and shut up.!!! MY Happy Ending is being able to Lie Down without Pain shooting through my back, neck & legs for anything close to 24 hours. I wish you idiots the gift I got from that a$$hole driver.
P.S.: If there really is a nice “Happy Ending” Massage place… please, tell me where ‘cuz I think I really deserve one of those.
Check out this place for a good massage place –